CENDI Interest Areas — Copyright and Intellectual Property

Under this task, CENDI has developed a Frequently Asked Questions document to educate agency staff, including librarians, publications staff, and researchers, in issues related to copyright and intellectual property. This is maintained by CENDI's Copyright and Intellectual Property Working Group. As copyright laws change, the publication is updated to reflect those changes. In addition, as new copyright questions and answers are provided by the agencies, these are also added to the publication. Key issues range from public domain information in commercial journals to copyrighted information in government publications.

In 2009 the Copyright Working Group released a companion FAQ about computer software copyright issues with special emphasis on Open Source Software.  In July 2010, the Working Group coordinated a follow-on workshop about Open Source Software and Copyright: Legal and Business Considerations for Government Use.   Agenda with links to presentations


Other Copyright Working Group activities include:

October 2010.  Issues and Answers in Digitization Workshop Series.  Workshop 3: Before You Digitize, What are the Legal Issues?,  held at the Library of Congress, addressed legal questions to consider when converting federal government information from paper to digital form.

July 2009.  CENDI Principals Meeting. Intellectual Property Considerations for Open Government Initiatives emphasized that as agencies decide how to share information more widely, they need to ensure that they have the appropriate intellectual property rights.

November 2006.  Copyright & Marking Government Works: Why Keep The Public Guessing. This one-day workshop, held at the Government Printing Office, explored concepts and recommendations found in the 2004 white paper Don't Keep the Public Guessing: Best Practices in Notice of Copyright and Terms & Conditions of Use for Government Website Content.”

March 2004.  Metadata for Digital Rights Management (agenda and presentations). The workshop was designed to raise awareness that government information must be clearly marked in terms of government use and public use rights. Metadata schemes under development will need to consider how to reflect rights management for digital objects and how these should be expressed on agency web sites.

March 2003.  Members of the Working Group gave presentations at the Library of Congress/ Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) General Counsels Forum.