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Biologists Evacuated from Remote Pacific Field Station

A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist and four volunteers arrived safely in Honolulu.
A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist and four volunteers arrived safely in Honolulu after being evacuated from their research station on Tern Island. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region

Storm damage to Tern Island facility is extensive

A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist and four volunteers arrived safely in Honolulu early Friday after being evacuated from their research station on Tern Island, which was extensively damaged during an intense storm December 9. The experience was frightening but no one was physically injured.

The early morning storm produced high winds that damaged all facilities on the field station 490 miles northwest of Honolulu within the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge – part of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. The living quarters, storage facilities and boat sheds suffered extensive damage as did the communication systems and solar panels. Damage to nesting birds and habitat will be determined after photographs and eye witness accounts are assessed.

The Tern Island biologists arrived in Honolulu around midnight after a two-day voyage in 20 to 30 knot winds and high swells aboard the M/V Kahana. The biologists were safely evacuated from Tern Island on December 18 with help from Fish and Wildlife Service employees traveling from Johnston Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. The Tern Island residents had sufficient food and water while waiting for the boat.

Barracks walls destroyed.
Barracks walls destroyed. Looking into the main living area of the Tern Island barracks. This south facing living area was enclosed with walls and windows prior to the storm event. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region

"We are extremely grateful for everyone's safety and well-being first and foremost, including those involved with the shore-to-ship evacuation under very stiff wind conditions," said Barry Stieglitz, Refuge Supervisor for the Hawaiian and Pacific Island National Wildlife Refuges. "It was a harrowing experience for our employees, including four young volunteers, as they were awakened by a freak wind burst that shook their living quarters."

The residents told Stieglitz everything started "popping" as wood panels and windows blew out and a boat shed was completely destroyed.

"With their normal internet communication seriously compromised and a satellite phone connection that often dropped, they no doubt felt isolated," Stieglitz said. "We are very glad to have them home."

Located on Tern Island within French Frigate Shoals, this U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service field station provides critical shelter and a connection with wildlife for biologists to conduct research, student-based education and restoration projects and to monitor hundreds of albatross, wedge-tailed shearwaters and Bonin petrels, including a population of Tristram's storm petrels. These biologists are also the eyes and ears that provide a year-round presence to help protect marine and island ecosystems that provide life support for most of Hawaiʻi's green turtle nesting population, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal and extraordinary native marine life.

The first chance Monument employees in Honolulu will have to view the damage will be from photographs the biologists carried with them onboard the Kahana. Upon assessing the impacts to facilities and habitat, the Service will begin to chart out next steps right after the Holidays.

See post-storm photographs here.

To see the press release, click here.

To learn more about Tern Island, see