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This Month's Featured Publication

Click on the image above to read the National Observer Program Annual Report.















National Observer Program Annual Report
In 2011, NOAA Fisheries had more than 1,000 observers and 79,570 sea days observed in 47 fisheries across the nation. Those were record numbers for the program. This type of data can be found in the new National Observer Program Annual Report released by NOAA Fisheries. The report highlights program activities, funding, and future goals, as well as the number of sea days observed and program accomplishments throughout the regions. Observers are NOAA-trained biologists onboard commercial fishing vessels. Their job is to tally the number of fish kept or discarded, document sightings of protected species, and collect data on fishing gear and effort. Find the full report online here

Best Paper Awards

Please join NOAA Fisheries in congratulating these authors on receiving best paper awards for their work. 

NOAA Fisheries Yulia Ivashchenko and Phil Clapham recipients of the 2011 Marine Fisheries Review Best Paper Award along with other experts for their article, "Soviet illegal whaling: the Devil and the details."

NOAA Fisheries Steve Ralston, Owen Hamel, and Ray Conser recipients of the 2011 Fishery Bulletin Best Paper Award along with other experts for their article, "A meta-analytic approach to quantifying science uncertainty in stock assessments."

NOAA Fisheries Steven T. Lindley, Mary L. Moser, and Greg Williams, recipients of the American Fisheries Society Best Paper Award along with other experts for their article, "Electronic Tagging of Green Sturgeon Reveals Population Structure and Movement among Estuaries."  

Technical Reports

Scientific Publications Office 
Formal NMFS publications include the quarterly journals, Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review, and the NOAA Professional Paper series (formerly NOAA Technical Report series). In addition, the SPO provides technical and administrative editorial support to NMFS headquarters offices, which includes coordinating publication of several series of the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS, including Our Living Oceans, and other special publications. To learn more about these publications, please visit



Program Publications

Office of Habitat Conservation
The NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation protects, restores, and promotes stewardship of coastal and marine habitat to support our nation’s fisheries and preserve our coastal communities for future generations. To learn more about Habitat publications, please visit

Science and Technology
The Office of Science and Technology is part of the NOAA Fisheries. The Office advocates and ensures sound scientific basis for NOAA Fisheries science programs and resource conservation and management decisions. It is composed of a Directorate and five Divisions. To learn more about Science and Technology publications, please visit

Office of Protected Resources
NOAA's Office of Protected Resources works to conserve, protect, and recover species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in conjunction with our Regional Offices, Science Centers, and various partners. To learn more about Protected Resources publications, visit