Chairman Dave Camp
  • Press Release

    Tax Revenues to More Than Double by 2023, While Top Tax Rates Hit Highest Level Since 1986

    Feb 13, 2013-- On January 1, 2013, taxes went up by $4.2 trillion, as Clinton-era policies snapped back into place. On January 2, however, Congress cut taxes by $3.6 trillion, permanently cementing into law the vast majority of the temporary tax cuts first enacted in 2001 and 2003. So, where does this leave American tax policy? Answer: still in need of reform. Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) rel... more

  • Press Release

    Camp, Nunes Statements on U.S. - EU Trade and Investment Negotiations

    Feb 13, 2013-- Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) issued the following statements after the release of the U.S.-EU High Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth’s report this morning and the President’s announcement last night in the State of the Union that he intends to launch negotiations for a comprehensive trade and investment ag... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Statement Recognizing Congressman Sam Johnson on the 40th Anniversary of Operation Homecoming

    Feb 12, 2013-- Washington, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement commemorating the 40th anniversary of Operation Homecoming. The date marks the return of 591 American prisoners of war including Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX), a 29-year Air Force veteran who was held as a prisoner of war in Vietnam for nearly 7 years. ... more

  • The Prescription Pad

    5 Questions the President Should Answer About His Health Care Law

    Feb 12, 2013-- Despite spending more than $2 trillion on his health care overhaul, President Obama has failed to deliver on his promise to reduce the cost of health care. So, while the President may give ObamaCare a glowing review in his State of the Union address, the American people who have to pay for and live with ObamaCare have a few questions that deserve some answers: Mr. President, why are my health ins... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Response on State of the Union

    Feb 12, 2013-- Washington, DC - Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement on Tuesday evening in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address: “Tonight the President laid out a vision for America that was formulated on the same failed policies that have left millions of Americans without a job – more taxes and more spending. The President’s call for higher taxes ... more

  • The Jobs Search

    The Obamaconomy: No Room for New Workers (Except Back Home with Mom and Dad)

    Feb 11, 2013-- Tomorrow, the President will describe the state of the union, including the state of the economy for workers and families. Americans are likely to hear more of the same from recent years – how Administration policies (1) laid a new foundation for future growth, (2) saved or created millions of jobs, and even (3) prevented another Depression. Despite the lofty rhetoric, however, the actual employm... more

  • The Jobs Search

    CBO Report Projects Unemployment Rate to Stay Well above Administration’s “With Stimulus” Forecast

    Feb 7, 2013-- On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report that predicts that the unemployment rate will remain close to 8 percent through the end of this year. That’s the same level the Obama Administration predicted the unemployment rate would max out at in mid-2009, back when they were trying to sell their trillion-dollar 2009 stimulus plan to Congress and the American people. Unfortu... more


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