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Rangel Lauds Pres. Obama's Proposal To Prevent Gun Violence

Jan 17, 2013 Press Release

“While deadly shootings are, unfortunately, nothing new, the terrible shooting in Newtown, CT, a little over a month ago made one thing clear: we must act, and the time to act is now. I am pleased that the President announced his grand plans to deter future tragedies and make our communities safer."

Rangel Praises Passage of $50.4 Billion Sandy Disaster Aid Package

Jan 15, 2013 Press Release

Rangel Celebrates Korean American Day

Jan 11, 2013 Press Release

"I'm happy to join more than two million Korean Americans to celebrate the 110th Anniversary of Korean American Day. Since the pioneers have arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii, on January 13, 1903, Koreans have played and continue to serve a vital role in shaping communities throughout our great Nation.

Rangel On Lew's Nomination As Treasury Secretary

Jan 10, 2013 Press Release

“My dear friend and fellow New Yorker, Jack Lew is an excellent choice for Treasury Secretary. In the upcoming battles over the debt ceiling, sequestration, and deficit reduction, Jack's background will serve him well in the difficult negotiations that lie ahead of us."