NGRCC Co-Chairs

Congressmen Duncan Hunter (CA-52) and Tim Walz (MN-01)
NGRCC Co-Chairs at Breakfast

Reserve Forces Policy Review Board Releases Report on Life-Cycle Cost of Military Personnel

Senior DoD officials, and think tanks have all underscored the fact that the cost of supporting the All Volunteer Force are unsustainable. DOD does not know, use or track the “Fully Burdened” and “Life Cycle” costs of military personnel in decision-making, obscuring the true costs.
Reserve Forces Policy Review Board Releases Report on Life-Cycle Cost of Military Personnel feature image

Air National Guard Releases FY13 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities

This document outlines the Air National Guard's weapons system procurement priorities. They are categorized as Critical (Crucial within the next one to three years), Essential (Vital within the next three to five years), or Desired (Enhances mission success in the five-year timeframe).
Air National Guard Releases FY13 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities feature image

Latest News

Director of the Air Guard retires after more than 40 years of service

Feb 4, 2013 Story

Air Force Lt. Gen. Harry M. Wyatt III, Air National Guard director, retired after more than 40 years of military service during a ceremony Tuesday hosted by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin here.

Task Force To Better Integrate USAF Active, Guard, Reserve

Feb 4, 2013 Story

Top U.S. Air Force leadership is taking steps toward bringing the active, Guard and Reserve components back together after a year of public and bitter disagreements over the service’s missions and budgets, Defense News has learned.

Air National Guard Releases FY13 Weapons Systems Modernization Priorities

Jan 4, 2013 Story

This document outlines the Air National Guard's weapons system procurement priorities. They are categorized as Critical (Crucial within the next one to three years), Essential (Vital within the next three to five years), or Desired (Enhances mission success in the five-year timeframe).

National Guard Association of the United States opposes legislation that would prohibit Defense Department sponsorship of professional sports

Jul 18, 2012 Story

The National Guard Association of the United States sent a letter to the co-chairs of the National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus requesting Member support to oppose potential legislation that prohibits the Defense Department from sponsoring professional sports as part of its recruiting effort.

NGRCC Co-Chairs sign Bicameral Bipartisan letter to Secretary of Defense

Mar 21, 2012 Story

On March 20, 2012, a bicameral and bipartisan letter was sent to the Secretary of Defense regarding the FY 13 Air Force budget request.

National Guard releases analysis of FY13 Budget

Feb 13, 2012 Story

The National Guard released their analysis of the President's FY13 Budget.

The Issues

National Guard

National Guard thumbnail image

Always Ready, Always There

Army National Guard

Army National Guard thumbnail image

Army National Guard information goes here

Air National Guard

Air National Guard thumbnail image

Guarding America, Defending Freedom

Army Reserve

Army Reserve thumbnail image

This We'll Defend

Navy Reserve

Navy Reserve thumbnail image

Stay Strong

Marine Corps Reserve

Marine Corps Reserve thumbnail image

Semper Fidelis

Air Force Reserve

Air Force Reserve thumbnail image

Above All

Coast Guard Reserve

Coast Guard Reserve thumbnail image

Professionalism, Patriotism, Preparedness