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New Member Account Requests

Purpose of Account: Establishing an account allows one to gain access to the Protected Information Folder that contains EKMS CF Notices, KEYNOTE publications and other Unclassified For Official Use Only (FOUO) key management guidance.
Criteria for Account: One must be formally registered with the Central Facility as a primary or alternate representative on a Command Authority or User Rep account, or formally registered with your Central Office of Record (COR) as a primary or alternate COMSEC Custodian associated with a valid COMSEC account. One can also be registered as the Facility Security Officer (FSO) on a COMSEC account for eligibility.
Requesting an Account: If you meet the criteria identified above, please select the New User? Register Here link on the left to register for an account.

Login Instructions

Returning members: Login using either your username and password or your DOD PKI certificate. Please remember to log in periodically to obtain current information and guidance. If you do not log in within six months, your account will be disabled.

Logout Instructions

Use the Logout button on the left to log out of the site. You will automatically be logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity or when you close your browser.

Latest Documents Posted

Document: Form 1205 -- User Representative Partition Privilege Registration Request
Date: 01/22/2013 Version: 1

Document: Form 1207 - User Representative DAO Privilege Registration Request
Date: 01/22/2013 Version: 1

Document: CF Form 1207
Date: 01/22/2013 Version: 1

Mission Statement

The EKMS Central Facility is the center of the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) responsible for the provision of electronic key and certificates. The CFF offers new key generation, electronic rekey and support services for an array of modern electronically rekeyable equipment servicing a world-wide customer base.