Provide innovative and relevant functional training and education on Joint Deployment, Global Force Management and Situational Awareness applications to the Joint Planning and Execution Community, joint exercises and Professional Military Education institutions.

JDTC Training, Education and Support

JDTC is the primary functional training, education and support provider for DoD’s joint deployment, global force management and situational awareness systems.

JDTC training and education provides military and civilian personnel with basic, intermediate and advanced joint functional competencies and knowledge of the processes that encompass basic command and control; operations intelligence; planning and execution; global force management; and their respective communications systems and tools of the operational environment.

Current processes and communications systems covered in JDTC instruction:

Process: Joint Deployment
System: Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) [Global Command and Control System-Joint (GCCS-J)]

Process: Global Force Management
System: Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager (JCRM) [Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) system]

Process: Situational Awareness
System: GCCS-J Common Operational Picture (GCCS-J COP)
System: GCCS-J Integrated Imagery & Intelligence (GCCS-J I3)

In the event of a contingency or humanitarian emergency, JDTC’s short-notice support capabilities can¹ provide Combatant Commands (CCMDs) with veteran subject matter experts to aid initial Joint Task Force (JTF) stand-up (e.g. Augment JTF-Joint Operations Cell-JOPES billet).

JDTC’s Virtual Campus allows students to participate in instruction from virtually any SIPRnet access point. JDTC has a dedicated Learning Management System (LMS) for independent (asynchronous) remote study. Additionally, students may elect to receive live (synchronous) training via Defense Connect Online with a JDTC subject matter expert instructor.

Mobile Training Teams (MTT) provide students with the same level of certified joint training/education as with resident instruction. Both resident and MTT instruction can¹ be tailored* to meet the requirements of the requesting unit/organization.

JDTC maintains up-to-date GCCS-J system networks and data; and can train at any of the dozens of GCCS capable training sites located around the globe. Class curriculum is current and relevant to mirror real-world operations. Students train to operate in a hands-on environment, under the supervision and guidance of veteran subject matter experts within their field.

Can¹ - Subject to JS/DDJ7/JCW/JDTC government approval
Tailored* - Joint Qualified Officer points may not be awarded for modified JDTC training or education