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News and Events
Community Action
Volunteers working

What You Can Do
Provides information about general volunteer opportunities and other ways that the average citizen can help to control invasive species, organized alphabetically.

The best way to fight invasive species to prevent them from occuring!

You can help by learning what invasive species are in your area and what is being done about them.

See other sections for species specific information:


Federal Government

Don't Pack a Pest Video

Invasives and Voluteers Program: Working Together to Manager Invasive Species on National Wildlife Refuges
DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Wildlife Refuge Association; Nature Conservancy; DOI. USGS. National Institute of Invasive Species Science.

Take Pride in America - Enlist Volunteers in the Fight Against Invasive Species (PDF | 267 KB)

The Early Detectives: How to Use Volunteers Against Invasive Species, Case Studies of Volunteer Early Detection Programs in the U.S.
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
The University of Richmond, Environmental Studies Program (2003)
Editors: Kyle Hegamyer, Stephen P. Nash, Peter D. Smallwood

Volunteer Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges
National Wildlife Refuge Association.

Weed/Invasive Species Control (select box or search for specific keywords)

What You Can Do
DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.

State Government

Invasive Species - Things You Can Do (PDF | 541 KB)
Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Non-natives - What Can I Do to Help?
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Solutions - Washington Invasive Species Education (WISE)
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office. Washington Invasive Species Council.
The most effective way to do away with an invasive species is to prevent it from establishing in the first place. WISE presents easy options for how you can prevent the spread of invasives. Be part of the solution!

What YOU Can Do!
Wisconsin Council on Invasive Species.

What YOU Can Do to Help Stop the Spread of Invasive Species!
Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Wildlife and Heritage Service.


Don't Release Your Pet!
University of Florida. IFAS. Gulf Coast Research and Education Center Plant City Campus.


Invasive Species - What Can I Do to Help?
The Scottish Executive.


Cape Island Habitat Restoration Task Force: A Partnership in Invasive Plant Management
New Jersey Audubon Society.
Volunteer opportunities exist to help manage, survey, and monitor invasive species, and private landowners are encouraged to join this partnership to learn about invasive species and how to enhance wildlife habitat on their properties.

CitiSci.org - Citizen Science
Colorado Sate University.
An invasive species mapping program that allows citizens, school groups, and professionals to enter invasive species observations into a global database. Provides the training and tools to allow anyone to participate in research on species distributions. For starters, we are focusing on engaing citizen scientists to help map invasive species.
Note: Funded by by National Science Foundation (NSF); joint effort with the U.S. Geological Survey and under the supervision of the National Institute of Invasive Species Science.

Get Out There
Public Broadcasting System. National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth.

National initiative developed by the ANS Task Force and its partner organizations, focuses on the prevention of the spread of non-native species via the aquarium and water garden pathways

How Can I Get Involved (North Carolina)
North Carolina Invasive Species Advisory Committee.

Invasive Plant and Insect Tranings and Volunteer Opportunities - Event Calendar (Vermont)
Vermont Invasives.
Want to learn more about invasives? Help search for invasive bugs or remove invasive plants? There are many ways to get involved! Throughout Vermont, community groups, conservation organizations and state and federal agencies are hosting workshops and volunteer events.

Invasive Species Removal Projects
Maryland Native Plant Society.

National Public Lands Day
National Environmental Education and Training Foundation.

New York - iMapInvasives Training Schedule
The Nature Conservancy. iMapInvasives.
iMapInvasives is an online mapping tool that supports efforts to protect New York State from the threat of invasive species. Learn about the program and become trained to contribute data by attending an iMapInvasives training session.

Protecting Native Plants and Animals: Taking on the Invaders and Volunteer Opportunities (can select by State)
The Nature Conservancy.

What You Can Do to Prevent Species Invasion and Take the Pledge - Don't Transport Firewood!
Union of Concerned Scientists.

Volunteer Resources - Global Restoration Network
Society for Ecological Restoration International.

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Last Modified: Jan 07, 2013
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