Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy

Our mission is to ensure robust, secure, resilient, and
innovative industrial capabilities upon which the
Department of Defense can rely to fulfill
the Warfighter’s requirement





Ralph Resnick (far left), Executive Director of the NCDMM, is congratulated by, Frank Kendall (second from left), Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, for the award of the contract that will establish the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) in Youngstown, Ohio.  Also in the picture are Dr. Rebecca Blank, (far right), Acting Secretary of Commerce and Deputy Secretary of Commerce, and Gene Sperling (second from right), Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense ManTech program recently led an interagency effort to launch a $69-million public-private partnership in additive manufacturing. Participants include the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, and the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology. The private partner team is led by the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 company. The interagency investment of $30 million has been matched by a $39 million cost share from non-federal sources.

More commonly known as "3D Printing," additive manufacturing is an enabling manufacturing technology for our military platforms. The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) officially opened on September 27, 2012, and will serve as a training and collaboration center to bridge the gap between basic research and technology adoption. NAMII will also serve as an example for the proposed National Network for Manufacturing Innovation and has a goal to be self-sufficient within three years.

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BBP Comments


gear.iconDefense Production Act (DPA)

Ensuring Industrial Support for
National Defense

Ensuring industrial base capabilities meet
current and future national security needs.

-> Learn more about DPA

Committee on Foreign Investment in the

Under Title VII of the Defense Production Act
the President has delegated authority to review
foreign acquisitions of U.S.-based firms and suspend or block them if they present credible threats to national security.

-> Learn more about CFIUS


Defense Manufacturing Technology Program

Develops technologies and processes to
ensure the affordable, timely production and
sustainment of defense systems.

-> Learn more about ManTech
gear.iconSector-by-Sector, Tier-by-Tier

Assessing the Industrial Base

An ongoing project which, through multiple efforts, gathers industrial base data, maps supplier relationships, and evaluates industrial capabilities to deliver systems and services.

-> Learn more about S2T2

Industrial Independent Research & Development Advisor

The FY11 National Defense Authorization Act assigned MIBP the role of the principal advisor
to the USD(AT&L) for industrial independent research and development.

-> Learn more about IR&D

Promoting the U.S. and Canadian Industrial Base

In support of North American national security, the NATIBO facilitates technology and industrial base efforts between the U.S. and Canadian Defense Departments.

-> Learn more about NATIBO


-> Department of Defense
-> Department of Commerce
-> Department of Justice
-> ACQWeb
-> DoD Office of Small Business Programs
-> Defense Innovation Marketplace