Percentage Growth in Goods Exports, U.S., Europe and World, 1992-2012

U.S. goods and services exports reached an all-time record in 2012, totaling $2.2 trillion. Export records were seen across the board, including in: capital goods, automotive vehicles, parts, and engines; consumer goods; and travel and tourism. This announcement follows the release of the 2012 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (...
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Manufacturing Share of Total Earnings by Statistical Area

A new report reviews the importance of manufacturing to local economies throughout the United States.  The manufacturing sector added roughly 500.000 new jobs from the beginning of 2010 through the end of 2012, and contributed...
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Employee Compensation per Hour by Major Industry, 2010

Specific findings from “The Benefits of Manufacturing Jobs” include on average, hourly wages and salaries for manufacturing jobs are $29.75 an hour compared to...
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New Report Showing Intellectual Property-Intensive Industries Contribute $5 Tril

The U.S. Commerce Department released a comprehensive report, entitled “Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: Industries in Focus,” which finds that intellectual property (IP)-intensive industries support at least 40 million jobs and contribute more than $5 trillion dollars to, or 34.8 percent of, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).  The full report can be found online at...
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Vehicle Sales Start Strong in 2012

Quarterly Vehicle Sales

Manufacturing doing pretty well so far in 2012

 Combined manufacturing indicator table


International Trade: U.S. and India

US Exports to India 2001-2011

Travel and tourism totaled $1.2 trillion in 2011, supporting 7.6 million jobs

Figure 1. Tourism Spending 

Surf’s Up!  (and by “Surf” I mean “Tourism”)

Statement from Commerce Secretary John Bryson on Retail Sales in February 2012

WASHINGTON – The Commerce Department’s Census Bureau today released retail sales data for February 2012. Retail and food services sales were $407.8 billion, up 1.1 percent from the previous month and up 6.5 percent from one year ago. This was consistent with private-sector forecasts. Excluding autos, retail and food services sales in February exceeded private sector expectations, coming in at $335.3 billion -- up 0.9 percent from January and up 6.4 percent from February 2011.