About CENDI — Members

Agriculture Commerce Defense DHS Energy EPA Health & Human
Interior LOC NARA NASA NSF Transportation  
Agency Representatives

Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library (NAL), Beltsville, MD
NAL is the principal U.S. source for food, agriculture, and natural resources information. The Library's expert staff, leadership in information services and technology applications, collection of over 3.5 million items in more than 75 languages, AGRICOLA bibliographic database of more than 4 million citations, and engagement with agricultural research and information organizations in other countries make it the world's foremost agricultural library. NAL maintains more than 30,000 Web pages and provides more than 40 million direct customer services each year.

Christopher Cole (principal)
Acting Deputy Director, NAL

(alternate TBD)

Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
NTIS is the U.S. government's largest permanent central repository and primary public disseminator of government STI and related business information from multiple U.S. agencies and international sources. The collection includes 3 million technical reports, computer products, multimedia training materials, etc. NTIS provides access to this information through a wide range of products and services, including online vendor systems and the NTIS Web site. NTIS offers electronic downloading of full-text technical reports directly from its Web site or through a link to the originating agency's Web site.

Donald Hagen (Chair)
Associate Director
Office of Product and Program Management

Wayne Strickland (alternate)
Manager, Program and Product Management

Department of Defense, Defense Technical Information Center, Fort Belvoir, VA
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®) is the largest central resource for defense and government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today and has more than four million records in its holdings.  DTIC manages 10 DoD Information Analysis Centers, which analyze and disseminate scientific and technical information in specialized fields or subject areas.  The Center has leading edge expertise in hosting websites and is responsible for creating and hosting more than 100 DoD websites. A DoD Field Activity in the office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), DTIC reports to the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering (ASD) (R&E).

Chris Thomas (principal)

Roberta Schoen (alternate)
Director of Operations

Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Washington, DC.
DHS S&T's mission is to strengthen America’s security and resiliency by providing knowledge products and innovative technology solutions for the Homeland Security Enterprise.  OPERATIONALLY FOCUSED: S&T provides the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) with strategic and focused technology options and operational process enhancements.  INNOVATION: S&T seeks innovative, systems-based solutions to complex homeland security problems.  PARTNERSHIPS: S&T has the technical depth and reach to discover, adapt, and leverage technology solutions developed by federal agencies and laboratories; state, local, and tribal governments; universities; and the private sector – across the United States and internationally.

Rolf Dietrich (principal)
Chief Knowledge Officer
Science and Technology Directorate

Christopher Lee (alternate)
Privacy Officer
Science and Technology Directorate

Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Washington, DC, and Oak Ridge, TN
OSTI leads the Department’s e-government initiatives for disseminating R&D results. OSTI performs this critical role by providing electronic access to worldwide energy STI both nationally and internationally. Access is provided through a set of cutting-edge, Web-based products for technical reports, scientific journals, and preprints – the three main STI sources. In addition, OSTI produces an inventory of R&D projects in progress across the Department.

Dr. Walter Warnick (principal)
walter.warnick@science.doe.gov or

Joanna Martin (alternate)
Information Program Specialist

Department of Health and Human Services, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD
NLM, the world's largest biomedical sciences library, has more than 6 million items. Its largest database, MEDLINE, contains 12 million references and abstracts to medical journal articles. MEDLINEplus is a Web-based service with extensive consumer health information. The Visible Human Project is one of many programs NLM supports to apply the benefits of modern technologies to medical research, education, and health care.

Jerry Sheehan (Deputy-chair)
Assistant Director for Policy Development

Betsy L. Humphreys (alternate)
Deputy Director

Dr. Michael Huerta (alternate)
Associate Director for Program Development

Department of the Interior, USGS/Core Science Systems, Reston, VA
The U.S. Geological Survey Core Science Systems (CSS) Mission Area delivers nationally focused Earth-system science and information science programs. Major themes encompass basic and applied research and development, a framework for data and information sharing, creation of new geospatially enabled data and information, and technical expertise in standards and methods. CSS facilitates partnerships and fosters innovative approaches to address USGS, Department of the Interior, and societal science priorities.

Kevin Gallagher (principal)
USGS Associate Director for Core Science Systems

Richard Huffine (alternate)
Director, USGS Libraries Program
Core Science Systems

Mike McDermott (alternate)
Deputy Director, Core Science Analytics & Synthesis Program
Core Science Systems

Department of Transportation. National Transportation Library Washington, DC
DOT NTL's mission is to facilitate and improve timely access to transportation policy, research, operations, and technology transfer information.  The NTL offers reference services, a 40,000-item digital repository and 100,000-item physical collection, and a web portal.  NTL developed and maintains unique research tools including the Transportation Research Thesaurus (TRT) and TLCat, a group catalog in WorldCat for transportation libraries' physical and online collections. NTL networks with other transportation libraries, agencies, and organizations to increase access to information and expand opportunities for the professional development of transportation librarians. Networking activities include the Transportation Knowledge Networks and the Transportation Librarians Roundtable, a monthly web conference series.

Amanda Wilson (principal)
National Transportation Library

Mary Moulton (alternate)
Digital Librarian
National Transportation Library

Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development and the Office of Environmental Information, Washington, DC
EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) advances Agency goals by providing sound science for environmental decision making. EPA's Office of Environmental Information (OEI) supports the Agency's mission to protect public health and the environment by integrating quality environmental information for informing decisions, improving management, documenting performance, and measuring success. ORD and OEI are developing strategies, architectures, and implementing systems to manage EPA's environmental science information, data, and tools.

TBD (principal)
Office of Environmental Information

Dr. Jerry Blancato (principal)
Acting Director, Office of Science Information Management

Dr. Lynne Petterson (alternate)
Information Management Manager
Office of Research and Development

Library of Congress, Washington, DC
The Library of Congress, an agency of the Legislative Branch, is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library's mission is to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations.

Tina Gheen (principal)
Emerging Technologies Librarian

Glenn Gardner (alternate)
Digital Projects Coordinator

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Program, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and aerospace science since its inception in 1958. The NASA STI Program provides access to NASA's STI output through various targeted databases, such as the STI database (the world's largest collection of aeronautical and aerospace information), the NASA Image eXchange (a metasearch engine that accesses NASA's imagery), and the NACA (National Advisory Committee of Aeronautics, NASA's predecessor organization) collection of technical reports.

Lynn Heimerl (principal)
Acting Program Manager
STI Program

Gerald Steeman (alternate)

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, DC
NARA is an independent agency that safeguards records of the Federal Government and ensures that Federal officials and the American public have access to records that document the rights of citizens, the actions of government officials, and the national experience. NARA has a national network of archives and records services facilities, and Presidential libraries back to Herbert Hoover. NARA publishes the Federal Register, administers the Information Security Oversight Office, and funds grants through the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Lisa Weber (principal)
Director, Information Technology Policy and Administration Division

John Martinez (alternate)
Archives Specialist, Lifecycle Policy Staff

National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent agency of the U.S. Government, established by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950. The Act established the NSF's mission: To promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense.The National Science Foundation initiates and supports grants of scientific and engineering research programs, and serves as a central clearinghouse for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of data on scientific and technical resources in the United States. The NSF is also a source of information for policy formulation by other Federal agencies.

Dr. Mark Suskin (principal)
Deputy Director of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure

Dr. Sylvia Spengler (alternate)
CISE-IIS Program Director

CENDI Secretariat

Bonnie C. Carroll
Executive Director
(865) 298-1220

Gail Hodge
Technical Projects Coordinator
(865) 742-5430

Kathryn Simon
Administrative Coordinator
(865) 298-1234