2012 Job Fair Testimonials

Brandon Todd, Route Salesman, Coca-Cola United

“I attended the job fair hosted by Congresswoman Terri Sewell in August. I was eager and optimistic about attending, knowing the unlimited possibilities that were being presented. After making my way in, I visited numerous tables speaking with representatives of the companies that were present and also passed out my resumes. The following Monday, I visited Coca Cola United of Birmingham, one of the employers present at the job fair and applied for a position. A short time later, I was called for an interview and later hired as a Route Salesman for the company. I was so thankful and overjoyed that I was blessed with an opportunity to better myself and my family. I would like to extend my gratitude to Congresswoman Terri Sewell and her awesome staff for putting the Job Fair together, because if it wasn't for them and Gods grace, this opportunity would've passed me by."


Connie Franklin

“I first learned about Congresswoman Terri Sewell’s Job Fair at the Alabama Career Center. After hearing the announcements on TV, I was eager to attend the event. Once I was inside I was able to give my resume to several vendors. The event has led to an interview with one company and I have received three potential opportunities. I was laid off in April 2011. Last year was really hard and no one was really hiring due to the economy. But I’ve really been serious about seeking employment this year. Overall, I think this was a great idea and I look forward to hearing from the vendors regarding future employment.”