Secretary Kerry’s First Week

Posted by Richard Buangan / February 08, 2013

Richard Buangan serves as Director of Digital Engagement at the U.S. Department of State.

Today's "Photo of the Week" is not just one, but several photos we selected highlighting Secretary Kerry's first week at the State Department. Since the warm welcome he received from hundreds of colleagues when he walked through the doors of the State Department for the first time as Secretary of State, Mr. Kerry wasted no time getting to work, meeting his new colleagues, and getting acquainted with the Harry S Truman building. Pictures tell the story better than words as Secretary Kerry assumed his responsibilities as America's top diplomat.

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John P. in Greece writes:

Concerning "past texts", you got a geat memory Eric!!! (LOL)

It's really very very nice to communicate with you again.

Well, I cannot say that I am in a great "shape", but I keep on fighting. Last 6 months were a nightmare period for me and the film still on, due to health problems. Anyway, I don't want to get you bored with my problems. After all the show must go on, right?

I absolutely agree with you that the new Secretary will have to face extremely difficult issues...
I wish you are fine,

Best Regards my dear friend! I anticipate to keep on reading more of your wise posts.

P.S. Chef's (LOL) tip: Try a couple spoons of honey -at the top- along with the yogurt and then mix 'em "Dj". You can also add walnuts. I'm sure you'll love it. They make a great "team".

Now we made it a real "Dip" Blog (LOL)

Posted on Mon Feb 11, 2013

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ John P. in Greece,

Hi John, how are you?

Re; "the future..." Attitude is everything.

A-la; "Life is good and then you get one."(chuckle)

Re; "..back to work ASAP"

Like Greek yougurt...the fruit's at the bottom and you got to stir it up a bit in preparation.

Been spending time working on my cash for clunker unemployment restoration "Desert Trooper" project, a 1986 Isuzu Trooper 4x4; and in consultation with trooper-holics from all over the world on PlanetIsuzu(dot)com.

Interesting mix of folks from the US, UK, land down under, Russia, EU countries, Tailand, Indonesia, Central & South America, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and a few other places.

It gets interesting when getting from point a to point b in an old 4x4 is what folks have in common, finding parts, comparing notes, and occasionally helping someone a half a world away (or just the next state over) get their truck up and running again, all via the internet.

It is in a sense , a practical application in diplomacy, and politics doesn't much enter into it...(grin), as mechanical things go.

Now that Mr. Kerry is Secretary (and a "recovering Politician"), I hope he'll persue the miriad avenues of "engagement" available to him.

And get his boss to sent the Iranian gov. a bill for 33 Trillion dollars for the lat 33 years of gov. sponsored chants of "Death to America" as a matter of public foreign policy by a hostile government.

And if he has any questions as to why I think it would be a sound and prudent action on the part of the President and Congress to enact such a measure in addition to sanctions and diplomatic "engagement"...well I'm pretty sure someone @ Dipnote has my email address and I'll be happy to answer any question he may have.

The cat is well fed, and life is good...hope you're doing well my friend.



Posted on Mon Feb 11, 2013

Saman B. writes:

Welcome secretary John Kerry .

Posted on Sat Feb 09, 2013

John P. in Greece writes:

Secretary Kerry is absolutely right!

"The future is NOW!".

So everybody, back to work ASAP...

Posted on Sat Feb 09, 2013

Louis K. in Massachusetts writes:

So what will be done about Israel ignoring human rights and creating an apartheid state?

Posted on Fri Feb 08, 2013

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