imageBob Latta

Flag Request

Flag Request | Constituent Services
You may email me by filling in the form below. Otherwise, please call, fax, or write your request to me at my DC office:

2448 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Checks can be made out to "Office Supply of Robert Latta" and sent to the DC office.

All email inquiries will receive a reply by mail in 10 business days. If you have not received a reply to your email in that time, please contact my office at (202) 225-6405. It takes 3-4 weeks for a flag to arrive. Flags with a specific flying date should arrive approximately two weeks later.

Prefix * First Name * MI Last Name * Suffix (Jr., Sr.)
* Address:
* City: Zip:
* Phone Number:
* Email:
Quantity Size Fabric Price Flown
3 x 5 Feet Nylon $16.10
3 x 5 Feet Cotton $16.35
4 x 6 Feet Nylon $20.60
5 x 8 Feet Nylon $25.10
5 x 8 Feet Cotton $27.10

I would like my flag...

Certificate Salutation:
* Name / Event:

Ship the Flags to
City / State / Zip:

Send Your Check to
Flags Coordinator
1323 Longworth HOB
Washington DC, 20515

Check Information
Check Number:
Total Amount:
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