Rep. Chu Praises President Obama’s Leadership Creating a Common Sense Immigration Process

Jan 29, 2013 Issues: Immigration


Washington, DC – Today, in Las Vegas, Nevada, President Obama outlined his priorities to create a common sense immigration process. Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement in response:
“Today, President Obama rang the starting bell for the immigration debate in Congress.  He showed how creating a common sense immigration process will require all of us – the President, Congress, and the American people – to work together. 
“We are a nation founded on the idea that we are all created equal, no matter what we look like or where we came from. It’s how you live your life and what you do that defines you in this country.  I praise President Obama for leading the nation on key issues like keeping families together, a roadmap for citizenship, and ensuring students and scientists educated here aren’t expelled.  I will fight to make our broken immigration system is fair for all.”
Congresswoman Judy Chu has been a long-time proponent of Comprehensive Immigration Reform and an outspoken Congressional leader on immigration issues. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, she has jurisdiction over any immigration bill.  Having sponsored numerous bills on the subject, including legislation to increase STEM visas, protect immigrant workers from abusive employers and protect immigrant women from abusive partners, Rep. Chu has put forth a number of the provisions that are now being considered for a comprehensive solution to our immigration process.