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Graves' Reaction to President Obama's Executive Order on Guns

U.S. Congressman Sam Graves issued this statement after President Obama issued executive orders on guns:

"I do not support the President’s push to weaken the Second Amendment today through executive orders and legislation. Guns have always been a part of our history and heritage. Our Founders considered them so critical to our freedom they enshrined a right to keep and bear them into the Constitution. I believe that right, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, is the bedrock of our country’s freedom.

There are many issues we should look at when it comes to dealing with violence. However, the President’s actions today show that he would rather dictate than work with the legislative branch for common sense solutions. I am disappointed by his actions and some of his executive orders need to be examined more closely by Congress. I will continue to work with others to support the Second Amendment and all of our freedoms."

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