photo 2 American Heart Month Lt. Col. (Dr.) Jay Flottmann Combat couple

Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Roy chat about Air Force family, departure


ShareBy Othana Montoya Air Force Public Affairs Agency We held a tweet chat Tuesday with Mrs. Betty Welsh, wife of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Mark A. Welsh III, and Mrs. Paula Roy, wife of the former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James A. Roy, to answer questions about [...]

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Keys to Success

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Shareby CMSAF James A. Roy Exclusive for Air Force Live Over the last three and a half years, many Airmen have asked me for tips to success in the Air Force. As I prepared for retirement, I compiled a list of a few things I think Airmen can do to achieve success. 1. Be great [...]

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Week in Photos, Jan 11, 2013

U.S. Air Force Week in Photos graphic

Share  By Airman 1st Class Krystal Tomlin Air Force Public Affairs Agency You know the drill; here are some amazing images to wrap up an amazing week in the U.S. Air Force. Photos: A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft sits on the runway at Pago Pago International Airport in American Samoa, Dec. [...]

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BMT graduation, Jan. 12, 2013


Share By Staff Sgt. Amanda Dick Air Force Public Affairs Agency As they do every Friday, trainees who completed their eight weeks of basic military training graduated to become full-fledged Airmen in the U.S. Air Force, Jan. 11, 2013, at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. However, this graduation’s backdrop was not the usual parade field. [...]

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Week in Photos, Jan 4, 2013

A C-130 Hercules taxis to its parking spot in Southwest Asia, on Dec. 28, 2012. Snow removal teams used specialized equipment to clear the runways and taxiways after an overnight snowfall covered the flightline with more than three inches of snow. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Chris Willis)

ShareStaff Sgt. Delia Marchick Air Force Public Affairs Agency This is how our Airmen across the globe ended 2012 in the new year’s first Week in Photos.    

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