SEC hosts another successful JUICE exercise

For the 19th year, SEC hosted the annual Joint Users Interoperability Communications Exercise (JUICE) from 11-29 June.  JUICE serves as a capstone event for research, development, technology and engineering activities that have taken place throughout the year in SEC’s Joint On-demand Interoperability Network (JOIN). The JOIN provides a distributed test environment for combatant commands, military services, inter-agency, multi-national and coalition partners. It allows these groups to collaborate and forge new avenues for joint interoperability communications to meet the demands of the future operational environment, according to John Kahler, JOIN Chief.

To learn more about the JUICE exercise, check out this article, originally posted on APG News

CECOM hosts world-wide joint communications exercise at APG



Senior communications leaders toured the 19th Annual Joint Users Interoperability Communications Exercise, or JUICE 2012, June 28, at the command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, C4SIR, Center of Excellence.

JUICE is an annual worldwide Department of Defense national and global communications exercise connecting more than 40 organizations under one common operating environment supporting combatant commands, as well as intergovernmental, interagency and multi-national partners in a joint task force environment.

Hosted by the U.S. Army Communications- Electronics Command’s Software Engineering Center, the exercise joined Portugal, Poland, Norway, Spain and Sweden with the Armed Forces Joint community. CECOM is currently the only joint unified capabilities tactical pilot lab in Department of Defense, joining participants and systems worldwide to interconnect directly to a DISA provided Unified Capabilities back-bone through Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.

“JUICE is an exercise that connects the C4ISR community together, worldwide, to test, evaluate and certify new systems, at the joint level, and work through challenges before those systems are fielded,” said Maj. Gen. Robert S. Ferrell, APG installation and CECOM commander.

This year, U.S. Strategic Command, a key cyber-oriented combatant command, sponsored the event and issued Commanders intent, mission and gained support of other Combatant Commands. The U.S. Air Force Reserve Air National Guard 281st Combat Communications Squadron staffed the Joint Network Operations Control Center and the Marine Corps Network Operations Security Center provides secure cellular capabilities and other cutting-edge voice technologies to the Warfighter.

Successful execution of robust exercises such as JUICE is crucial as we face the future with a joint force that is smaller, more agile, flexible, ready, and technologically advanced, as outlined in the President’s approach to national security, Priorities for the 21st Century Defense, said Elizabeth M. Durham- Ruiz, senior technical advisor, USSTRATCOM/J6, who attended the event. STRATCOM will play a major role in this strategy with global capabilities that underpin strategic deterrence, provide unique options to our national leaders, and enhance the joint force’s combat effectiveness, Durham-Ruiz explained.

Team C4ISR partner organizations, Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications-Tactical and the Army Communications- Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center also participated and demonstrated key technologies for the future more agile, responsive and adaptive Warfighter.

JUICE’s key objective is to validate interoperability among key Joint tactical and strategic communications systems in preparation for the Global Information Grid transition to Unified Capabilities and ensure NATO and Coalition interoperability, according to John Kahler, Joint On-demand Interoperability Network chief.

This venue provides Joint and Reserve military participants the chance to leverage training on the latest fielded equipment prior to deployment, in a real-world tactical environment without disturbing the operations tempo. The lessons learned from JUICE will directly impact field operations and contribute to communications mission success on a global scale for both military, Defense Civil Authorities and Homeland emergency response operations, said Kahler.

This year’s theme is ‘Unified Capabilities for the Battlefield of the Future’ focusing on the information sharing from multiple sources to give our Warfighters a competitive edge. JUICE 2012 featured setting up command and control posts, crypto modernization efforts, and ground and air radio communications in remote environments.

Managed from APG, the event participants work in concert with approximately 800-1000 Department of Defense personnel and Coalition partners to evaluate new and emerging technologies in an environment mirroring real-time battle field environments, said Kahler.

“Industry participants can leverage this opportunity to prepare and assess their systems before participating in the next iteration of Network Integration Evaluation, 13.1,” said Kahler. “As the Army continues to evolve to be the Army of 2020, we’re hoping this event becomes even better as each year goes on year,” said Ferrell.


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July 4th Safety Message


Our nation will soon celebrate its 236th Birthday. Two hundred thirty-six years ago, founders of this great Nation signed the Declaration of Independence; one of  the most important documents in our Nation’s history.  We commemorate the Declaration of Independence as our statement of values and beliefs and celebrate its signing on the Fourth of July. 

July 4th is a time of social activities and celebrations with family and friends, but it is not without an increased risk of accidents. Safety remains a #1 priority and I ask your help in ensuring a safe holiday for employees and family members while you’re having fun.


Sadly, July 4th is also known as one of the deadliest holiday weekends for traffic accidents. Please do not drink and drive. Nothing good can come of it and you are a danger to yourself and others. If you’re driving a car or a motorcycle on a long trip over the holiday period, please monitor your level of fatigue. Remember, fatigued driving is equivalent to driving under the influence in terms of your reaction time. Be sure to wear protective equipment if riding a motorcycle. I encourage anyone traveling a long distance to access the Travel Risk Planning System (TRiPS) website and conduct a POV Risk Assessment:


If you decide to take advantage of warmer temperatures by engaging in water activities, please swim in supervised areas only. Be sure to obey all rules and posted signs. Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts and stop swimming at the first indication of bad weather. Children and inexperienced swimmers should always use personal flotation devices.


Fireworks can be extremely dangerous and cause serious burns and eye injuries. I encourage everyone to attend public fireworks displays and avoid potential mishaps. If fireworks are legal in your area and you decide to use them on your own, be sure to always read and follow label directions and follow local laws. Never give fireworks to small children. Never throw or point fireworks in the direction of anyone. Know fire extinguisher location and operation, and always keep water handy – you never know when you will need it. Always remember – alcohol and fireworks don’t mix.


For those BBQ enthusiasts, be sure to remember safety when cooking. Avoid fire risks and carbon monoxide poisoning by grilling outdoors. Keep, matches, lighters, and starter fluid out of the reach of children and position grills a safe distance away from play areas, foot traffic, and other flammable materials.


Everyone can make a difference this holiday period. When you practice safety and inform others about safety, you are saving lives. Remember, accidents don’t take a holiday. Always maintain an awareness of the potential hazards around you. We have the distinct pleasure of serving a wonderful nation in the greatest Army in the world. I appreciate your efforts in  contributing to the SEC mission and I look forward to your safe return.




Ned Keeler

Director, Software Engineering Center

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CECOM Social to be held today

CECOM will be hosting a “Memorial Day Red, White, and Blue Social” today, 30 May.

The social will take place at Top of the Bay from 1530 to 1730.  All CECOM employees are welcome to attend!

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SEC hosts Computer Science Study Panel annual visit

Computer Science Study Panel members posed with SEC Director Mr. Ned Keeler (second from right) on May 2, 2012. The Panel met with C4ISR partners, including SEC, to discuss technology innovations, as well as challenges, and to seek mutual areas of interest for collaborative research. (Photo Credit US Army CECOM)

On Wednesday, May 2, the CECOM Software Engineering Center hosted the Institute for Defense Analysis’ Computer Science Study Panel (CSSP) during its annual visit to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. The Software Engineering Center along with several other Team C4ISR partners including the Army Research Lab (ARL), Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center (CERDEC), Program Executive Office Communications, Command, and Control Tactical (PEO C3T), Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), and the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), engaged in discussion and shared demonstrations on technology lifecycles. The purpose of the visit was to present the panel with technology innovations, as well as challenges, and to seek mutual areas of interest for collaborative research.

This year’s panel was composed of 12 professors of computer science and engineering from universities throughout the United States including Princeton, Northwestern, and University of Maryland at College Park. The professors were accompanied by their mentors, both current and retired members of the DoD, as well as the Director of the CSSP Lt. Gen. (R) Peter Kind. The C4ISR partners presented and discussed topics such as technology insertion within the DoD, security and dependability of software, and the future of cloud computing as it pertains to the Warfighter. The presentations aim was to foster not only immediate discussion between the leadership within Team C4ISR and professors, but also to encourage an ongoing dialogue ultimately leading to long-term research and innovation in common areas of interest.

CSSP mentor and Former Acting United States Secretary of the Navy and Retired Air Force General Hansford T. Johnson said the visit “provided the young university computer science professors tremendous insights into your activities, challenges, and how they might help the Department of Defense.” In regards to their visit to APG, as well as to several other military installations throughout the country, Johnson went on to say “we all benefit from the visits, most importantly, our troops and our country [benefit].” Dr. Lynn Hansen, SEC’s Operations Directorate, Initiatives Support Division Chief, who coordinated the event on behalf of SEC and our Team C4ISR partners, said “all of our participants did a great job discussing their challenges” and believes that SEC’s ongoing partnership with the CSSP is “a tremendous opportunity for all involved, and particularly for the Warfighter that may one day benefit from technologies we discussed here today.”

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SEC Employee Graduates CECOM Action Officers Development Program

Holden Lassiter (pictured fifth from left) at the AODP Graduation (Photo credit US Army CECOM)


Recently, a group of CECOM employee’s participated in a newly designed Action Officers Development Program (AODP), aimed at providing CECOM personnel with training and skills to grow as Army action officers.  Among the graduates was one SEC employee, Holden Lassiter.  Lassiter participated in hopes to improve his skills and performance within the Center, calling it “a great experience”.  “I gained a lot of new skills, particularly briefing skills that will be beneficial for interns like myself.  I highly recommend others take this opportunity the next time it comes around,” said Lassiter.

The program culminated with each student presenting on a topic of interest pertaining to their work responsibilities.  Lassiter presented on his work in developing SEC’s in-house Customer Relationship Management tool and its benefits for both the workforce, as well as SEC’s customers.

For more information on the AODP, check out this article posted on the Army’s website.

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Social Media: Staying Connected Safely

The use of social media continues to grow throughout the world, connecting friends, family, and sometimes strangers in ways we never thought possible.  Social media has even enabled deployed soldiers to engage with their families in the day-to-day events they might have otherwise missed without these technologies.  Check out this inspiring story of how social media has impacted soldiers and their families.

While there are tremendous benefits to using social media, we must remember the importance of practicing safe social networking.  The Army’s Office of the Chief of Public Affairs frequently offers tips on how to safely navigate the world of social media on their official SlideShare site, including this presentation, 6 Social Media Considerations for Deployed Soldiers and Their Families.

How do you use social media to stay connected?

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SEC Products and Services Catalog now available

The SEC Products and Services Catalog is now available on the SEC website. The catalog contains over 40 SEC products and services supporting the software needs of the Warfighter from the business office to the battlespace. Products and services arranged alphabetically,allowing existing and prospective customers to quickly and easily discover what SEC has to offer via the catalog’s interactive table of contents.

For more information or questions concerning our products and services, contact the Customer Relationship Management program at



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Happy Thanksgiving!

The Software Engineering Center would like to wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving, from our family to yours!

Check out President Obama’s Thanksgiving Day Presidential Proclamation.

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Financial Disclosure Management System wins highest honor at National Government Ethics Conference

The Software Engineering Center’s Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) System was recently recognized with two awards at the 18th National Government Ethics Conference.  The conference, hosted by the US Office of Government Ethics, was held September 13-15 in Orlando, FL. 


The FDM was first awarded with Best Financial Disclosure E-Filing Solution, beating out seven other financial disclosure e-filing systems, including one developed by the US Department of Commerce.  The second award received was for Overall Program Excellence and Innovation, the conference’s highest honor.  Winners were selected through voting by the conference attendees from various Executive Branch agencies.  Conference attendees were given the opportunity to look through about 40 exhibits of Agency ethics programs in various categories, such as e-filing, training aids, and ethics training programs and vote for the program of their choice.


Developed and maintained by the CECOM SEC, the Financial Disclosure Management (FDM) is a web-based system that automates the financial disclosure reporting and reviewing processes.  Each year, over 100,000 OGE 450 and OGE 278 filers use the FDM system to file their financial disclosure reports.  FDM is used across the DoD by agencies such as the Army, Navy, Air Force, DCMA, DeCA, DISA, DSS, DTRA, DCAA, OSD, DLA, and others.  FDM is also used by various non-DoD Executive Branch agencies including the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Office of Government Ethics. 


The system has been in operation since 2004 and is the largest and most robust electronic financial disclosure reporting system available to the Federal Government.  In the three-year period from 2008 to 2010, it is estimated that the FDM system has saved the Army over $9.2 million.  FDM is projected to save over $21.8 million DoD-wide over the next three years when compared to the paper-based financial disclosure reporting process. 

- Ray Henley, FDM Project Lead


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SEC Intern Advisory Council hosts first event

SEC’s Intern Advisory Council held their first event the afternoon of 8 September, a speaking engagement with SEC Director Mr. Ned Keeler.

The event began with an introduction of the IAC and its members before an audience of about 40 SEC interns. Mr. Keeler presented an overview of his career, including time served as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as his time as a civilian working for NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration. The talk highlighted how interns can use their experience, leadership skills, and drive to excel in their careers at SEC. The event concluded with a question and answer session with the audience at which time an audience member inquired whether Mr. Keeler had any final piece of advice for the interns. His answer: “Live each day to its fullest”.

This lunch-and-learn-style event is the first of many intern-focused events to be held by the Intern Advisory Council. The IAC was formed as a means to open and extend the lines of communication amongst the SEC interns and management. In addition to acting as liaisons, the IAC, whose council members were elected by their peers, will organize events aimed at educating and socializing SEC interns. The Council will support other speaking engagements featuring both SEC and CECOM leadership, as well as knowledge sharing and career building events. Additionally, the IAC will initiate after-hours events for interns in an effort to promote relationship building and networking amongst their peers.

The next Intern Advisory Council event will be held in mid-October.


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