Burgess Statement on State of the Union Address
Posted by Whitney Thompson on February 12, 2013
Burgess Statement on State of the Union Address
“I hope President Obama will leave behind these “Fat Tuesday” policies that our country has been on for the past four years, and focus on the spending problems our country is facing.”

Washington, D.C. – In advance of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), Vice Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittees on Health and Oversight and Investigations and Co-Chair of the Congressional Health Caucus, released the following statement:

“Today is “Fat Tuesday” and is known as the last hurrah before Lent and is the beginning of a long fasting period for some Christians. Many will take the opportunity to indulge in various foods and activities before the long Lenten season starts tomorrow. While the 40 days of Lent is not enough time to solve all our problems, it is a time of reflection and a time to evaluate where we can make changes and improve.

“Tonight, President Obama will make his ninth address to Congress and the American people since taking office just over four years ago. This is his opportunity to provide his plan on where we can change and improve America. We need to see a responsible savings proposal. We need to see a plan that reduces the debt. Finally, we need to see a plan that expands opportunity for all Americans without raising taxes.

“In 2009, there were over 27 million small businesses in the United States, making up over half of our country’s employment and generating 65 percent of net new jobs over the past 17 years. America is the land of opportunity, and we need to ensure that our small businesses are provided the environment to flourish and to put people to work. 

“I hope President Obama will leave behind these “Fat Tuesday” policies that our country has been on for the past four years, and focus on the spending problems our country is facing. Ordinary Americans are making adjustments and sacrifices every day. In this season of sacrifice and denial, Washington should do the same.”


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • LANA from THE COLONY commented on 2/15/2013
    Will all of the treasonous acts and the numerous times the president has gone against our constitution, why have impeachment proceedings been started? Why can't we get rid of him? Why can't you stand tall and take this treasonous person out?
  • Nancy from Fort Worth commented on 2/15/2013
    First, let me say I agree with Lana, obama needs to be stopped in his tracks! I cannot comprehend the actions of the Republican party, are they really willing to lose the votes of us seniors to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens? We have defeated seven amnesties with our voices....did Boehner, Cantor, McCain & Graham and the good old boys forget? Us grandparents will never forget should amnesty pass. The illegal aliens are demanding citizenship. We are demanding enforcement, We'll see whose voice counts with the Republicans.
  • Elizabeth Shields from Lakewood Village commented on 2/15/2013
    I do agree with you Congressman. Washington needs to make adjustments and sacrifices like the rest of us. I have had plenty of customers cutting back and tightening there budgets. Customers that work for goverment agencies and they're pay has been cut or they have been layed off. Yet Congress received a pay increase this year.
  • Kathleen Goldmann from Denton commented on 2/15/2013
    It saddens me greatly that our representatives have made no attempt to come to compromise, and that this appears to be acceptable. They all stand on ceremony and do nothing. This is not why you were elected and I believe that all congress persons who fail to work for our country, not just a party, should be voted out of office. I further think that a good start would be to limit terms and remove the benefit packages that congress has voted for itself. Only then we will be at the place our founding fathers intended, citizen representatives. We are supposed to be a country, not just intransigent political parties. I do pray that your hearts will be changed, and that our representatives start to represent our Country again .
  • Jim from Flower Mound commented on 2/15/2013
    The outcome of the 2010 elections took the democrats out of power in the house for the sole purpose of slowing down the growth of government. Those that criticize the gridlock in washington fail to understand that rupublicans in the house are doing exactly what they were elected to do...slow spending today and save our future generations. Good job amigo.
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