Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Association of Flight Attendants-CWA

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End Carry-On Crunch web site
  AFA Press Release: Marking a Day of Justice

Marking Day of Justice, AFA Honors Flight Attendant Heroes and First Responders

“Ten years after September 11th emotions still run deep. We are grateful to our President and all of the women and men who are responsible for bringing this sense of justice for our friends and heroes who were the first to give their lives in defense of our country that day. September 11th showcased the tremendous bravery of Flight Attendants. Our heroes on those four fateful flights acted as first responders. They relayed the first intelligence of the day that served to alert our country and our fellow crewmembers on flight 93 who in turn acted without reservation against evil, sacrificing their own lives to protect our country and lives of countless others.

“Every day since September 11th, Flight Attendants go to work with an even greater sense of responsibility. We know that not only are we first responders to emergencies affecting the health and safety of our passengers and other crewmembers, we are also our nation’s last line of defense in aviation security. Twenty-five Flight Attendants died on September 11th. Today, and every day, we honor their memory. We will never forget:” Read full media statement >

  Workers Memorial Day

AFA Directs Attention on Workers Memorial Day to the Need for Flight Attendant OSHA Protections

The Workers Memorial Day ceremony at the AFL-CIO’s National Labor College featured AFA Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Creighan on a panel discussing the struggle for safe workplaces. Noting that on the 40th anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), Flight Attendants still are not covered by OSHA. AFA's presence on the panel and Kevin’s comments are just the latest in AFA's continued demand for the mandatory safety and health protections for Flight Attendants that only OSHA can provide. Read more>>

  United and Continental

United And Continental Flight Attendants Ready To Vote For The Association Of Flight Attendants

National Mediation Board Announces Dates for Union Election

Washington, DC – The National Mediation Board (NMB) today announced the voting schedule for a representation election for United, Continental and Continental Micronesia Flight Attendants. Balloting instructions will be sent to the over 24,000 Flight Attendants on May 17 and voting will close June 29, 2011.

"Flight Attendants at the new United Airlines are ready to take control of their careers at the world’s largest airline following the merger of their respective airlines," said Veda Shook, AFA International President. “As the world’s largest Flight Attendant union, run by Flight Attendants, AFA has been on the forefront of every important Flight Attendant issue for 66 years, building the Flight Attendant career and promoting our work as first responders. Our union's founding members from United together with our soon-to-be newest members from Continental are poised to work together in AFA to advance our profession with an industry-leading contract at the new United Airlines."  Full Press Release>>    PDF Version

Visit for more information

  Text NMB to 69866

Don’t Let Congress Interfere with Airline Organizing: Text “NMB” to 69866

A provision that would force the National Mediation Board (NMB) to revert back to antiquated voting rules for union elections is contained in the FAA reauthorization bill. Before a final vote takes place next week, this provision must be removed from the bill.

The old rule automatically assigned “no” votes to workers who were eligible to vote in an election but who did not participate. On July 1, 2010, the old undemocratic rule was changed so that now, the NMB counts all votes cast in a union election—no less and no more. Americans wouldn’t tolerate this kind of voting in presidential or congressional elections; why should we allow it in union elections?

To maintain our democratic voting rights, text “NMB” to 69866 and you will receive a text message in return. When you reply to this message, you will receive a phone call explaining the issue, a sample script and then you will be connected to your Representative’s office. Simply say: “Hello, my name is:_________ and I am a member of the Association of Flight Attendants from (your city of residence). I believe that fair and democratic elections are a fundamental right. Please tell the Representative to strike section 903 from the FAA bill.”

Take action today and text “NMB” to 69866

  Japan Update

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

In the week that has passed since the 9.0 earthquake struck Japan, the densely-populated island nation was devastated by the ensuing tsunami, aftershocks and the still unfolding nuclear emergency. Our hearts go out to the people of Japan and to all of the people impacted by this disaster.

Throughout the week, AFA leadership has been fielding concerns from and finding solutions for our Flight Attendant members throughout our system, especially those members working on flights operating into and out of Japan, as well as those members who live in and around Tokyo. AFA airlines that serve Japan include Hawaiian Airlines (HAL), Miami Air (MIA), Ryan International (RYN), and United Airlines (UAL). Delta also serves Japan.

There are several ways you can help. Please see the critical links below for more information.

Critical Links
How You Can Help | How To Get Help | Getting Help from the AFA Disaster Relief Fund

Google Person Finder | AFA-CWA EAP - 1-800-424-2406 | Japan Crisis Response Resources | Travel Warnings and Alerts

U.S. Dept. Health & Human Services, Radiation Emergency Medical Management

World Health Organization FAQs on Japan nuclear concerns:

The Hawaii Red Cross is supporting rescue efforts in Japan. Follow their latest messages on Twitter.

  Former Midwest Airlines Flight Attendants

AFA Wins Major Arbitration Award

AFA won a major arbitration victory for hundreds of former Midwest Airlines Flight Attendants. The arbitration award validated AFA’s assertion that the Midwest Flight Attendant contract was violated after Republic Airways Holdings, Inc. purchased Midwest Airlines and staffed the same flights with non-Midwest Flight Attendants, often compensated up to 70 percent less.

"Today is a victory for Midwest Flight Attendants whose careers were stripped by corporate greed. AFA vowed to stop at nothing until management was held responsible for stealing the livelihoods of the hardworking Flight Attendants at Midwest Airlines,” said Veda Shook, AFA International President. “It took the commitment and effort of over 400 Flight Attendants and other airline employees to make Midwest one of the best in the country and only narrow corporate interests to destroy it. The Midwest Flight Attendants’ determination to right this wrong is why AFA worked tirelessly to hold management responsible.” Full Press Release>>

  Veda Shook Named to AFL-CIO Executive Council

On March 1, AFA International President Veda Shook was seated on the AFL-CIO Executive Council.
International President Veda Shook Named to AFL-CIO Executive Council

On March 1, AFA International President Veda Shook was seated on the AFL-CIO Executive Council. As a member of the Council, President Shook will play an influential role, ensuring a strong voice for Flight Attendants and serving as an advocate for working families.

"It is an honor to be such an integral part of the AFL-CIO, serving as the voice for working families and promoting our right for collective bargaining,” said Shook. “It is crucial that, as a council, we constantly find ways to engage workers and work together to make unions more accessible to our members and all workers who strive to have a voice at work." Full Press Release>>


  Transportation Security Officers And AFGE Union

Flight Attendant First Responders Need a Strong TSO Union

As AFA members, we know the importance of a strong union voice in advancing aviation safety and security—in supporting our role as first responders. In that role, Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) are some of our most important allies. That’s why supporting the TSOs to elect a strong union and a team player that understands the importance of labor solidarity is so important. That union is AFGE, the American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO.

All too often the union is the only voice focused on security while management cannot see past financial considerations. Flight Attendants need TSOs to have a union. Take a moment to watch this special video that shows what it means to be a true TSA union


  US Airways Flight Attendants

US Airways Flight Attendants Stand Together for Contract Improvements

In the first wave of actions, US Airways Flight Attendants demonstrated system wide on February 17, 2011 over management’s failure to negotiate a single contract. More than 600 US Airways Flight Attendants demonstrated at the company’s four crew bases in Charlotte, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Washington, D.C. Read more>>

  Spirit Airlines Flight Attendants

Spirit Airlines Flight Attendants held an informational picketing event on January 26th in front of Spirit corporate headquarters to demand a fair contract.
Spirit Flight Attendants ‘Ready to Go the Distance’

Spirit Airlines Flight Attendants held an informational picketing event on January 26th in front of Spirit corporate headquarters to demand a fair contract. "We're here to let management know that we're unhappy with the proposals they’re bringing to the table and that the negotiation process has gone on for far too long," said AFA Spirit MEC President Todd St Pierre.

About 80 Flight Attendants and their supporters chanting "Spirit, Spirit stop your greed, give us the contract that we need!" drew attention from the local media and from Spirit Airlines management. Miami Air Flight Attendants made a strong showing of solidarity and support on the picket line. Click here for the full story

  AFA-CWA International President Veda Shook

Veda Shook Welcomed to CWA Executive Board

AFA International President Veda Shook is sworn in to the CWA Executive Board on January 18, 2011, by CWA President Larry Cohen as Veda's husband and children look on.

"I am proud to serve as the Flight Attendant voice on the CWA Executive Board," Shook said. "Since AFA partnered with CWA over six years ago, Flight Attendants have benefited in many ways from the powerful voice we formed. I look forward to working alongside President Cohen and my fellow union leaders as we continue to improve the lives of our members through our collective strength."

  United/Continental Merger

AFA Files Application To Unify United and Continental Flight Attendants In One Union

NMB Ruling Would Trigger Union Election for 24,000 at New United Airlines

Chicago, IL, January 18, 2011 – The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) today asked the National Mediation Board (NMB) to declare that the United/Continental merger has created a single-carrier, triggering a union representation election for the combined Flight Attendant workforce. Over 15,000 United Flight Attendants already are represented by AFA.

“This merger and the extraordinary financial turnaround underway at United are only possible because Flight Attendants at both airlines have invested hard work and sacrifices over the years,” said Greg Davidowitch, AFA United President. “Management must know that the Flight Attendant workforce is unified, and that we expect the best Flight Attendant contract at the world’s leading airline. Joined together in AFA we can ensure Flight Attendants are full partners in the merger with compensation, work rules and benefits that reflect our key role in the success of the new United Airlines.” Full Press Release>>

  Rebuilding the Flight Attendant Profession

New Flight Attendant Union Leadership Promotes Profession

Veda Shook Leads Union as International President of AFA-CWA

Washington, DC, January 3, 2011 – New leadership is taking charge at the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA). Elected last year at AFA’s annual convention, Veda Shook took office as AFA’s International President on January 1, while Sara Nelson took over as International Vice President, and Kevin Creighan entered his second full term as International Secretary-Treasurer.

"We have a clear vision for our future,” said Shook. “We will work to rebuild the Flight Attendant profession as a good career by negotiating new standards in pay, benefits and working conditions. Many contracts were decimated during the post-9/11 industry bankruptcy era, but now, as the industry is experiencing a phenomenal resurgence, it is our time to advance our careers. We will also promote the Flight Attendant profession by taking every opportunity to seek recognition and respect for Flight Attendants. We are first responders, we are a key link in the safety, security and success of commercial aviation, and it’s time for that to be recognized by the public, by lawmakers and by airline management. We will raise Flight Attendant standards across the board." Full Press Release>>

  Flight Attendants Security Screening

AFA-CWA and TSA Joint StatementTSA

"The Transportation Security (TSA) recognizes the vital role flight attendants play in aviation security and as such, TSA Administrator John S. Pistole remains committed to exploring ways to expedite security screening for flight attendants by verifying their identity and employment at the checkpoint at airports nationwide, modeled after a successful test program for airlines pilots that is currently operational at three airports.

Flight attendants, like pilots, traveling in uniform on official airline business will see immediate modifications to their checkpoint screening process due to their trusted status.

Crew members will continue to be subject to random screening and other layers of security."

See Also: TSA Partners With Flight Attendants On Security - November 19, 2010

  Election Interference

AFA-CWA Challenges Company’s Interference in Delta Election

Hundreds of Delta Air Lines flight attendants have reported illegal and unfair methods used by Delta management to influence the results of the recent union representation election at their airline. Feedback includes reports of the company's anti-AFA literature, supervisor meddling, phone calls to flight attendant homes and use of Delta computers to vote. On November 3, 2010, the NMB counted 9,216 votes in favor of union representation for Delta flight attendants and 9,544 votes against.

The AFA-CWA Legal Department will file charges with the National Mediation Board (NMB) based on these reports. The NMB has extended the deadline for filing due to the large volume of information from flight attendants that must be reviewed. Once assembled, AFA-CWA will deliver these reports to the NMB and to interested members of Congress. On Capitol Hill, our Government Affairs Department has met with a positive response from members of the House and Senate to gain their support for an NMB investigation of our interference charges.

Click here to sign the petition supporting an investigation of Delta's union busting tactics.

Carry-On Bags

Carry-On Baggage Endangers Crew and Passengers, Flight Attendants Say

AFA-CWA Launches Public Campaign to End Carry-On CrunchClick here to visit

Washington, DC, March 15, 2010 - The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) today released the results of a recent membership survey in which one out of two flight attendants witnessed carry-on items falling from overhead bins in the previous 60 days. The survey validated anecdotal reports that carry-on baggage is out of control, mostly due to recent fees to check luggage.

"We now have compelling evidence that flight attendants and passengers are being injured by excess amounts of oversized carry-on items," said Patricia Friend, AFA-CWA International President. "AFA-CWA has been urging Congress, government agencies, and carriers to establish reasonable carry-on limitations that will improve the overall safety, health and security of crew and passengers inside the aircraft cabin. These limits will reduce injuries and distractions caused by carry-ons and allow flight attendants to devote more attention to the critical task of ensuring the safest and most secure flight possible." Full Press Release»

Visit the site:

Crew Member Self-Defense Training
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in partnership with American Association of Community colleges (AACC) is conducting trainings. For dates, locations and Points of Contacts (POCs) for 2009, for the "Crew Member Self-Defense Training (CMSDT)" Program, click here»

TSA Web Site with updated trainings - click here»

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