Culberson Responds to President Obama’s Gun Control Proposal

Posted by cknowles in In The News

In response to the tragic Newtown shootings, President Obama is calling for drastic new restrictions on the ability of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. None of the 23 executive actions that the president proposed today would have prevented the horrible events in Newtown, but it does punish those of us that follow the letter of the law. I am outraged at the president’s actions, and I feel it is an egregious violation of our Constitution. We would have been able to save lives at Sandy Hook Elementary and at Virginia Tech University if there had either been an armed police officer on campus or an exception to the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1991 enabling principals and teachers to obtain concealed carry permits under state law.

The right of self defense is absolute and is one of the most basic and sacred rights we have as Americans. The Second Amendment is written in plain English and is intended to absolutely guarantee the right of every American to keep and bear arms.  I have joined with Congressman Todd Rokita of Indiana in sending a letter to President Obama, and our letter concludes by saying:

“The Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment means what it says. We will not support, and in fact we will strongly oppose any legislation that prevents Americans from responsibly exercising their Second Amendment rights, including any attempt to prevent ownership of certain firearms or ammunition. As public officials we have a duty to ensure that criminals are punished for their acts of violence. But we will not sit idly by while law-abiding citizens are stripped of their constitutional rights and turned into criminals by an overreaching federal government.”

I am carefully reading the president’s proposed Executive Orders and proposed gun control legislation. I will do everything in my power to prevent any further restrictions on our right to keep and bear arms.

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Responses to “Culberson Responds to President Obama’s Gun Control Proposal”

  1. John Conner says:

    Thank you, Congressman, for your firm stance against possible upcoming gun control legislation!

  2. David Miller says:

    Excellent response. Please obtain a copy of Victor Davis Hanson’s article entitled “Debate pits First Amendment against Second”. The current efforts at gun control have little to do with school safety and much to do with Federal encroachment on the Bill of Rights.

  3. Mark Knight says:


    I wanted to take a moment and reiterate my stance on any proposed federal legislation banning or restricting gun rights for U.S. citizens. I firmly believe your stance opposing Obama and his over reaching use of executive orders for new gun legislation and thank you for your service to my community.

    I want to also remind you that the source of all these problems with gun control comes from a lack of mental health over sight on the state and federal levels.

    And anytime, any of the liberal whiners in DC want to complain about using an AR for hunting. Please feel free to have them visit any Texas ranch with a problem of hogs or coyotes. Just invite them down and hand them a 4 shot, bolt action rifle and tell them to make due.

    Thank you for your time,

    Mark A. Knight

  4. Melissa Geis says:

    Dear Sir, I request that you vote for a law that is written by Senator Feinstein. I believe in the Second Amendment but I am wise enought to see things must change. I request you vote For: babbing 157 specific military style rifles 2. Outlaw ammunition magazines with a capacity above 10 rounds 3. Ban detachable magazines and a single military style features such as bayoneted lugor grenade launcher 4. Personally I request that 5 years be added to every crime that has been committed with a use of a gun. 5. A national gun registration has to be added and funds allotted for development 6. Close the loop hole that allows gun shows to sell guns without a background check . These laws will not hurt me as a hunter or private gun owner. Vote from your morals and protect us by voting for these laws. You need to sit beside me the next time I am on the Grand Jury and you will understand my requests. Thank you for your service to this country.

  5. Thank you, Congressman, for once again taking the high road and supporting the Constitution. Thanks also for signing Todd Rokita’s letter to the president. Let me add…shame on the 200+ republicans who did not sign the letter. I hope they show more strength and resolve, if they’re ultimately faced with a version of Senator Feinstein’s criminally unconstitutional gun control bill!

    Thanks again for your always admirable work for the 7th district, Texas, and America!

  6. Theresa Riedmann says:

    I am a registered voter and I vote. I am a member of the NRA, a gun owner, and a CHL holder. I am college educated, have a job, own a home, and pay my fair share of taxes. My father was a WWII USMC veteran who fought at Iwo Jima. He taught all of his children to respect firearms and handle them safely. I firmly believe in the 2nd amendment and my right to keep and bear arms. Those rights should not be infringed.

    I believe the founders of this country were extremely wise men because they KNEW that when they signed the Declaration of Independence, they were committng treason against England. I believe that they framed the Bill of Rights – and especially the 2nd Amendment – to assist and prevent all of their hard work and blood shed in starting this country from being undone by a tyrant who has military backing. The right to keep and bear arms by the people, for the people, would ensure that the United States as a democracy would stand.

    Obama is a student of history. He knows that by putting a ban in place for these so called “assault weapons” is only the first step in disarming the American people under the guise of saving our children from gun violence. This is the same tactic that has been utilized throughout history – Nazi Germany, communist Soviet Union, communist China, etc. I do not trust Obama, Biden, or Feinstein to uphold the constitution. I think it will be a grave error in judgment to concede anything to these individuals as I think there are ulterior motives lying underneath these ‘executive orders’ and proposals they are presenting. I believe these proposals are aimed at undermining what our forefathers intended to always be preserved – that of a democratic nation ruled by the people and for the people (“democratic” not meaning Obama and friends, but a free nation not ruled by a tyrant or dictator).

    As your constituent, I do not want you to make any concession on banning any of the weapons on Feinstein’s “list”. I do not want you to make any concession for a “mental health” check – what Democratic doctor supporting Obama is going to give those? I do not want you to make any concession of a proposal limiting my right to purchase, keep and bear arms.

  7. Margaret says:

    Representative Culberson: I am a proud American and Republican (and gun owner) that strongly believes in the right to bear arms and have given significant thought to this dilemma. But the right to carry weapons of mass slaughter in an extremely short period of time? I strongly view the semi-automatic assault rifle as much MORE OF A THREAT FOR THE MANY THAN AN ASSET TO THE FEW who use them properly. And Americans will always, to their dying days, defend the 2nd Amendment so I don’t perceive it as a threat at all to my right to bear arms.

    As with the already illegal fully-automatic assault rifles, it is the MASS slaughter that has no place in a civilized society. That includes the need for banning HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES (over 10 rounds) and supporting the ability to prevent these both from getting in the hands of the wrong people via UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS. Honestly, you’ve got to prevent more of these mass killing machines from being purchased and taking the lives of innocent, law-abiding citizens in public places. There’s enough of them out there already!!!

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