Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

The University of ArizonaUA Science
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory    

Arizonans Find Largest Meteorite Fragment from Spectacular Midwestern Fall
Scientists Peer Into a Brown Dwarf, Find Stormy Atmosphere
Zapping Titan-Like Atmosphere with UV Creates Life Precursors

  FOCUS ON RESEARCH            

Solar and Heliospheric Research Group

The Solar and Heliospheric Research Group seeks a greater understanding of the diverse plasma processes at work throughout our solar system and the universe. Research topics range from the physics of the solar interior and atmosphere to the solar wind, energetic particle transport, and acceleration processes. More...

  LPL’S MISSION                        

The Department of Planetary Sciences/Lunar and Planetary Laboratory is an academic institution that pursues scholarly research and education across the broad discipline of planetary and solar systems science through use of theoretical studies and data analysis, laboratory and field investigations, numerical modeling, telescopic observations, remote sensing, spacecraft instrumentation, and space mission development and operations.

  FROM THE DIRECTOR            

Welcome to the University of Arizona’s Department of Planetary Sciences (PtyS) and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL). The University of Arizona is one of the nation’s best research universities, annually ranking among the top in the nation in external financial support for research in the physical sciences. More...
  HOLD THE DATE                

Monday, Mar 18 — Friday, Mar 22, 2013
44th Annual LPSC

Monday, Mar 25, 2013
Brown Bag Colloquium: Dr. Vladimir Florinski

Monday, Mar 25, 2013
TAP Colloquium
4 p.m.

Tuesday, Mar 26, 2013
LPL Colloquium: Dr. Vladimir Florinski
3:45 p.m.

Thursday, Mar 28, 2013
PTYS 594 Fieldtrip

Monday, Apr 1, 2013
Deadline: Graduate College Travel Grants

Monday, Apr 1, 2013
Deadline: PTYS/LPL Shandel Travel Award

Monday, Apr 1, 2013
Deadline: Lloyd B. Berkner Space Policy Internships

Monday, Apr 1, 2013
Deadline: Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research

View this month’s calendar