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Due to pressure from some states, the ITU proposed to decree Deep Packet Inspection for enabling the prosecution of copyright violations and to strengthen copyright itself. Thus, an effective tool for internet censorship would be crafted.

The standard has been signed by 89 delegations, 55 declined to sign at that time. Many of the declining delegations announced they would consider it “at home” first and then to decide after. It is alarming, that such resolutions made are apparently not seen as problematical at first sight.

#ITU #Copyright #DigitalRights
Global Internet Surveillance - all for the protection of copyright? | PirateTimes »
In December, the ITU World Conference on International Telecommunications was held in Dubai. The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, having over ...

Michael Francois

Ha hecho +1 en techcrunch.com.
 -  Público
Surprised? How About Incompetent?

If director general Hamadoun Toure, after hiding his agenda, and holding a vote after saying he wanted consensus, is surprised by this outcome, then I would have to say the ITU has incompetent leadership.  And since we have a free and open Internet today, I can express my opinion.

As always, the opinions expressed here are my own, and do not reflect that of my employers, past, present or future.


ITU Director General ‘Surprised’ By U.S. Dissent On New Telecoms Treaty, Says Internet And Content Issues Are Not In There | TechCrunch »
The director general of the International Telecommunication Union today spoke of his surprise and disappointment with the US, UK and other nations walking out of a vote to approve a new UN telecoms tr...
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R. uben

 -  Público
ITU's: Countries that signed are in black, countries that didn't sign in red and those who didn't participate in grey

3 comentarios
R. uben
+Katie Rabbitt  ITU = International Telecommunication Union
Jason West Jones
But the ones in grey either freeze you to death, or shoot you with an AK47. lol
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Jason M

 -  Público
ITU Offering Free Download of 2012 International Radio Regulations »
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
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#wcit12   #ITU  
Why does the UN want to control our Internet?

Secret negotiations to control our Internet are taking place in Dubai this week and here is a selection of references about the event . . .

World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12):

Home page for the conference:...Mostrar esta publicación »
Patrick O'Brien
Related . . .


'Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet' ~ by Julian Assange with Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Müller-Maguhn and Jérémie Zimmermann | OR Books, New York, 2012, 186 pages


"This book is not a manifesto. There is not time for that. This book is a warning ..."

(pages 1 - 7)

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Patrick O'Brien

Summary of outcome from WCIT-12 conference . . .

WCIT WATCH: Disaster averted, but still a lot not to like in the new ITRs' ~ Access Now, Policy Team

December 14, 2012 ― "The world’s governments just concluded the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) where they updated the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), a binding international treaty on telecommunications provision and interoperability. In the end, the government-controlled conference produced a text that crossed red lines for several states, from both the developed and developing world, who have said they will either not sign or need to consult their capitals. Still, many of the most problematic proposals failed to make it into the final draft." 

◦ https://www.accessnow.org/blog/2012/12/14/wcit-watch-disaster-averted-but-still-a-lot-not-to-like-in-the-new-itrs
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E-Diplomacy from the ITU at WCIT-12

#WCIT12   #WCIT   #FreeandOpenInternet   #ITU  
The treaty-making process explained »
Articles: these are treaty text addressed to MEMBER STATES which Member States are obliged to apply if they have formally ratified the treaty. Formal ratification by Member States normally takes place...
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glyn moody

 -  Público
China Hails #ITU Internet Takeover By Blowing Its Favorite Trumpet: Distrusting The US - http://bit.ly/WVhEW3 out of the frying pan...
China Hails ITU Internet Takeover By Blowing Its Favorite Trumpet: Distrusting The US | Techdirt »
While there's been plenty of talk about the upcoming ITU process, the ITU keeps attempting to downplay what it's trying to do -- and insisting that Russia, China and other regimes aren't looking to us...
Madhur Varshney
Socialists, communists, fascists by any name would love it the most.
Is the era of freenet, tor plus VPNs coming for everyone with an independent mind?
glyn moody
well, they are certainly looking more attractive
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I love the Internet
And I'm guessing you do too. Think about all the awesome things it gives us: A vast communication network; innovative businesses; a platform to freely speak or challenge powerful governments; and hundreds and hundreds of hours of cat videos.

All this great stuff is available because the Internet was designed in an open and inclusive way, with a multitude of voices being able to get...Mostrar esta publicación »
The ITU could put the internet behind closed doors. »
What is the ITU? What does it mean for the future of the internet? Watch the video at http://www.whatistheITU.org
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Big Tent

 -  Público
Trying to understand what's at stake in at the #ITU conference next week? This +The New York Times article lays out some of the key issues.

Remember you can take action to protect #freeandopen web here: http://google.com/takeaction
Dark Warnings About Future of Internet Access »
With envoys from more than 100 nations convening in Dubai to discuss telecommunications, diverse groups are warning of plans to censor the Internet. But analysts say the real debate is about business....
Benjamin Schroyer
internet services are the backbone to public communications in america. under no circumstances should a foreign power dictate governmental regulations on a product created by america and every human has some type of unfettered use. humans communicating is natural and by extention any communications interfaces we use should be just as free as if we are talking. #freeandopen
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glyn moody

 -  Público
Dear #ITU: A Complex Process Where Delegates Who Fly To Dubai Can 'Lobby' Is Not 'Transparency' - http://bit.ly/SqYHqR quite #wcit
Dear ITU: A Complex Process Where Delegates Who Fly To Dubai Can 'Lobby' Is Not 'Transparency' | Techdirt »
The EU Parliament recently joined the US government in speaking out against the ITU's upcoming WCIT event, which we've been discussing. This is where the ITU -- an ancient organization designed to de...
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As predicted:

“It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that the United States must communicate that it is unable to sign the agreement in its current form,” Terry Kramer, head of the American delegation, announced moments after a final draft appeared to have been approved by a majority of nations. #itu   #internet  
Citing Internet Standoff, U.S. Rejects International Telecommunications Treaty »
After weeks of talks that often pitted Western governments against Russia, China and developing countries, the United States announced it would not sign the agreement.
6 comentarios
Yonas Abraham
go US
Peter H. Salus
The US, UK, Canada, Australia, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Sweden, Kenya, South Africa, and about 20 others "refrained" from signing.  The "Treaty" is dead, though individual countries can implement its terms.
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Luis Cano

 -  Público
#ITU Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido se niegan a firmar el tratado via @alt1040  http://bit.ly/Y1evV1 #acta   #sopa   #leylleras  
ITU: Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido se niegan a firmar el tratado - ALT1040ITU: Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido se niegan a firmar el tratado »
Hoy viernes termina la conferencia de ITU en Dubai y la mejor noticia es que finalmente Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido se han negado a firmar el cambio en el tratado internacional. Los tres país...
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Big Tent

 -  Público
Starting today, the world’s governments meet behind closed doors on the future of the Internet at the #ITU . Some governments want to increase censorship and regulate the web.

Tell them to keep it #freeandopen by signing the petition: http://goo.gl/tU9uY
Tell the world's governments you support a free and open web at http://www.google.com/takeaction. Starting December 3rd, the world's governments are meeting ...
Tanner Kleinhen
Signed it and shared it on social networks.
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Ross Uren

 -  Público
Get involved! Do your part!

#itu #internetfreedom
Stand up for Internet freedom »
On December 3rd, the world's governments will meet to update a key treaty of a UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Some governments are proposing to extend ITU authority ...
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I can guarantee the people going to this ITU meeting will use the internet only to email and read the news. 
The governments of the world need to understand that if it has nothing to do with them, they should back off.
#ITU   #InternationalTelecommunicationsUnion  
Compartido desde las novedades de Google+ international telecommunications union
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ITU: Rusia y China retiran la propuesta para regular Internet »
Estos días está teniendo lugar la convención de ITU (International Telecommunications Union), una cumbre donde la organización buscaba un consenso con la idea de que los gobiernos tuvieran un mayor co...
3 comentarios
Alberto Jimenez Flores
Bien por ellos, la verdad con estas acciones solo logran poner en descontento al pueblo...
Yamil Aguas Chumacero
+Bea Fernández la censura existe en China, Estados Unidos, Japón y muchos otros países.
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Jorge Amodio

 -  Público
With removing text that don't reach agreement the new #ITU ITR will read "We the ITU, [ Thank You ]" after #WCIT12 #WCIT
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Dran Fren

 -  Público
Global Treaty on Telecommunications being prepared

"…The worldwide protests over SOPA in the US and ACTA in EU make clear that a large, global civil society constituency has emerged that may be deeply suspicious about any process that appears to be a deal cut between powerful private interests behind closed doors. This suspicion is magnified if the regulatory decisions at issue could have long lasting impact on the information society and the ways in which ordinary citizens use the Internet."
ITU Resource Center | Center for Democracy & Technology »
This December, the world's governments will meet to decide if the International Telecommunication Union—a UN agency—should become involved in governing the Internet. Currently, the ITU's treaty does n...
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R. uben

 -  Público
Rage Over Control of Internet Sparks Hack Threat »
The loosely organized 'Anonymous' hacker group threatens to attack the ITU, a UN agency for global telecommunications now meeting in Dubai.
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