U.S. President Barack Obama walks through the colonnade of the White House in Washington, February 12, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Legacy, political calendar frame State of the Union

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama will give his State of the Union address with one eye on the political calendar as time ticks down on his bid to advance an agenda that will help shape his White House legacy.  Full Article | Video 

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice speaks to the media at the U.N. headquarters in New York, February 12, 2013. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

U.N. may add to North Korea sanctions

UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council strongly condemned North Korea's third nuclear test and vowed to take action against Pyongyang for an act that all major world powers, including traditional ally China, have denounced.  Full Article 

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks in the demonstration room after the Apple event introducing the new iPad in San Francisco, California, March 7, 2012. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith

Apple CEO calls Einhorn lawsuit a "sideshow"

SAN FRANCISCO - Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook called David Einhorn's lawsuit against his company a "silly sideshow" but said the board is carefully considering the star hedge fund manager's proposal to issue preferred stock, calling it "creative."  Full Article 

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (R) and the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani arrive at a cornerstone laying ceremony for Hamad, a new residential neighborhood in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip October 23, 2012. The Emir of Qatar embraced the Hamas leadership of Gaza on Tuesday with an official visit breaking the isolation of the militant Palestinian Islamist movement, to the dismay of Israel and rival, Western-backed Palestinian leaders in the West Bank. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Rising power Qatar stirs unease

DOHA - In Egypt, Libya and Syria, where Qatar tried to play a role after the Arab Spring, it finds itself blamed for much that has gone wrong on a local level and suspected of using the Muslim Brotherhood to attempt to redraw the region.  Full Article 

A natural gas drilling rig operates near a farm outside Rifle, Colorado, June 6, 2012.  REUTERS/George Frey

Senate panel mulls future of natural gas policy

WASHINGTON - U.S. natural gas policy, from hydraulic fracturing to exports, came under the microscope as environmental and industry groups presented their views on the issue to Congress and divided along mostly familiar lines.  Full Article 

Members of the Free Syrian Army hold their weapons in the old city of Aleppo February 11, 2013. Picture taken February 11, 2013.REUTERS/Zaid Rev

Air base falls as Assad's forces pressured

BEIRUT - Syrian opposition fighters captured a military airport near the northern city of Aleppo in another military setback for President Bashar al-Assad's forces.  Full Article | Video 

The convent from where Pope Benedict XVI will retire from March is seen at the Vatican February 12, 2013. Credit: Reuters/I.Media/Charles de Pechpeyrou

The pope's newly renovated retirement home

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict may be retreating into a life of prayer but the first retired pontiff since the Middle Ages will, physically at least, remain at the very heart of the Vatican.  Full Article | Interactive Timeline: Pope Benedict's reign 

A metal horse head outlined with a neon light is seen above a horsemeat butcher shop in Paris February 11, 2013. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

Don't say nay to horsemeat: French eaters

PARIS - If the thought of having eaten Romanian cart horses in mislabeled frozen lasagne is making Britons choke, a loyal minority in France laments a dwindling appetite for a meat they say is a tastier and healthier alternative to beef.  Full Article 

WH Adviser-Obama's focus-jobs, gun control and immigration

Feb. 12 - Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, outlines the economic priorities President Obama will present in his State of the Union speech in an interview with Mark Felsenthal.

Franita Tolson

What of congressional power over voting?

The compelling question in a case now before the Supreme Court: What will happen to the scope of congressional authority over elections?  Commentary 

Ed Rendell

Rebuilding our economic backbone

Infrastructure is crucial to any modern society. But the nation that built the Hoover Dam and pioneered the Interstate Highway System is now getting beat by Estonia.  Commentary 

Lawrence Summers

The U.S. must embrace a growth agenda

A weak economy and limited job creation make growth in middle-class incomes all but impossible. They threaten essential investments in education and innovation, and undermine the American example at a dangerous time in the world. We can do better.  Commentary 

Hugo Dixon

Banks must probe clients’ motives

An important lesson of the Monte dei Paschi scandal is that, when banks are presented with a client who wants to do something that seems suspicious, they should probe its motives. And if they don’t get a satisfactory answer, they should refuse to do business with it.  Commentary 

David Rohde

Obama's legacy of secrecy

John Brennan’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday was a microcosm of the Obama administration’s approach to counterterrorism: The right assurances, with little transparency.  Commentary 

Zachary Karabell

Another ill-advised rush towards Euro-pessimism

The easy resumption of dark prognostications about Europe's fate is just that: easy. The siren call of Euro-pessimism should be ignored. It was wrong in 2010, and it will be wrong now.   Commentary 

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