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Hubert Chao

Google Reader
 -  Público
Seems normal to me.

+Irene Chung 
A Weebly Weird Conversation »
(Fast Food, Restaurant | ON, Canada) (I am waiting in line at a fast food restaurant. The couple behind me, who looks to be in their late twenties, are discussing their orders.) Guy: “Have you tried the bacon, mushroom and Swiss cheese burger?” Girl: “Yeah, it wasn’t bad, but I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms.” Guy: *starts singing super quietly* “Mushroom! Mushroom!” Girl: *also super quietly* “It’s a snake! A snaaaaaake! A snaaaaake!” Both: “Badg...
George Huang
Makes sense
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
err... wtf?
Boyfriend Rentals an Attractive Option »
Chinese women under pressure to have a boyfriend, so they rent one.
4 comentarios
Hubert Chao
+Jean Tam Never found a good enough deal

+Daniel Peng How much is cathy paying for you?
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
yay pixar!

Paperman - Full Animated Short Film

also making of stuff videos:

+Irene Chung on the off chance she hasn't seen this yet
Introducing a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques, first-time director John Kahrs takes th...
Irene Chung
I love this short! They played it in front of Wreck-It-Ralph! You guys should definitely catch that if you haven't already ~ beautifully done movie =)
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
'Security auditor'. Right.
Cory Altheide compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
Holy balls.

A security auditor for our servers has demanded the following within two weeks:

A list of current usernames and plain-text passwords for all user accounts on all servers
A list of all password changes for the past six months, again in plain-text
A list of "every file added to the server from remote devices" in the past six months
The public and private keys of any SSH keys
An email sent to him every time a user changes their password, containing the plain text password

Spotted in comments on a +Sebastian Porst thread.
Our security auditor is an idiot. How do I give him the information he wants? »
A security auditor for our servers has demanded the following within two weeks: A list of current usernames and plain-text passwords for all user accounts on all servers A list of all password change...
4 comentarios
Justin Waters
wait, where was the punchline that this was a phisher?
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
Still not going to use IE, but the ad's fun to watch.
Eric Zhang compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
As much as I hate internet explorer... this ad is pretty well done.

that said, IE blows.
You grew up. So did we. Reconnect with the new Internet Explorer. Visit for more. #childofthe90s
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
my worst littering story: on a subway in NYC, saw someone finish their can of soda (technically not allowed), open the end doors (also not allowed), then throw their can of soda out into the subway tunnel, all while the train is running.

* sigh *
Danny Sullivan compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
Because what? You thought your litter would pick up itself? I don't get people who treat the world like a trash can.
Jean Tam
I saw a couple change their kid and leave a dirty diaper under the table while we were dining on the patio. Bathroom was 10' away and they barely left a tip. :-P
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
Interesting quote from the article (which i'm kind of curious if anyone has supporting evidence for):

"The average American is slightly more religious than the average Iranian, so we are a very religious country even today."
NPR compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
This week, Morning Edition explores the "nones" — Americans who say they don't identify with any religion. Demographers have given them this name because when asked to identify their religion, that's their answer: "none."

In October, the +Pew Research Center released a study, 'Nones' on the Rise, that takes a closer look at the 46 million people who answered none to the religion question in 2012. According to Pew, one-fifth of American adults have no religious affiliation, a trend that has for years been on the rise.
Losing Our Religion: The Growth Of The 'Nones' : NPR »
As religious as this country may be, many Americans are not religious at all. The group of religiously unaffiliated – dubbed "nones"-- has been growing. One-fifth of Americans say they're nones, as ar...
3 comentarios
Hubert Chao
+Justin Waters Ooh nifty. Will read more. thanks!
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
Jack Lew’s Terrible Signature May Grace Dollar Bills Now »
Obama's Treasury secretary pick is a penmanship disaster waiting to happen.

Hubert Chao

 -  Público
Yes please!
Adafruit Industries compartió inicialmente esta publicación:
Make the Metric system the standard in the United States

The United States is one of the few countries left in the world who still have not converted to using the Metric System as a standardized system of measurement. Instead of going along with what the rest of the world uses, we stubbornly...Mostrar esta publicación »
7 comentarios
Hubert Chao
+Jean Tam No

+Zachary DonGia Because people don't like change?
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Hubert Chao

 -  Público
Best line: "And so the real lesson of the Google case is this: The best way to avoid an ruinous antitrust lawsuit is not hiring lobbyists, but obeying the law."
Why Does Everyone Think Google Beat the FTC? »
In the aftermath of the FTC's settlement with Google yesterday, too many reporters fell for the line that Google used some fancy combination of executive charm and lobbying prowess to beat the fe
Samuel Hart
How good does the headline "Google not guilty of this" sound when compared to "THE VILLAINOUS GOOGLE NARROWLY AVOIDS DEFEAT"?
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    Computer Science, 1998 - 2003
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Todas las fotos de todas las publicacionesTodas las fotos de perfilPictures also taken by others here: was a burning paving truck that was just outside of a restaurant (Bistango's) I was eating at w/ Jeff, Emily and RisaCaught this bird feasting on a squirrel on a tree just ouside Upson Hall.Takakkaw Falls, and around Hamilton Falls by Emerald LakeThis day, I ditched the rest of my family and went on a tougher hike to Lake Agnes and the Lower and Upper Beehives @ Lake Louise, and hence these photos are donate from others. The guide company was really great though, if you're going to be in there area and you want to learn a lot on the hikes, check them out here: Tramway, Athabasca and Sunwapta Falls, and a 2nd trip to Bow SummitMaligne Lake, Maligne Canyon in Jasper National ParkLake Louise, Bow Summit, Jasper IcefieldsLake Moraine, Lake Louise GondolaDrive from Calgary -> Lake Louse Fairmont
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