Download Overview

Everything you need to install Plone and its add-ons

Download Plone

Plone comes with everything you need to get started building your site, whether a simple one with a dozen pages, a multi-departmental one with a demanding information architecture, or an intranet requiring login and multiple permission levels.

Before installing Plone, please review its system requirements and the installation guide.

Get Plone 5.0 (stable)

Get Plone 4.3 (old-stable)

The Plone community and the Plone Security Team will always support the two most current major releases.

Sign up for our low-traffic announcements list to stay up to date with Plone version releases and security hotfix announcements.

Extend Plone's Power with Add-Ons

Plone can be easily extended with add-ons.


Join other Plone add-on developers for discussions in our developer mailing list and in our discussion forum, where you'll find topics on add-on development, customizing and theming.

Get a Beautiful Looking Site with Plone Themes

Plone 5's Diazo theming engine makes it easy for designers to create new themes for Plone and adapt existing ones to Plone. 

Plone 5 themes can be as easy to install as uploading a ZIP file!

Here are five lovely mobile-ready themes for Plone 5, all installable via ZIP file:

Clean Blog theme for Plone 5  Spot theme for Plone 5  Booster theme for Plone 5  Business Casual theme for Plone 5  Future Imperfect theme for Plone 5

Other Plone Releases

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Plone is continually being developed. Add-on developers and the curious can preview upcoming features and changes, by trying out our development releases

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