
Soapbox Musings

Technorati's "Soapbox Musings," gives our writers a forum to express their feelings, vent their spleens and otherwise, let 'er rip on a variety of topics. Sometimes you just need a place where you can climb up on your soapbox and tell the world what you think. Consider this the place.


Articles in this feature

  1. Jan 15, 2013

    Before You Buy an Ultrabook, Consider This
    Ultrabooks look great, weight next to nothing, but do have some big drawbacks. Consider these carefully.
  2. Jan 14, 2013

    Return of a Stolen Ring, Fifteen Years Later
    Remorse has it long way
  3. Jan 08, 2013

    Microsoft's Pot Calls Out Google's Kettle
    Google's FTC pat on the wrist angers Microsoft
  4. Jan 02, 2013

    Building a Product: Perfection vs. Progress
    When is "Good Enough" good enough?
  5. Dec 27, 2012

    Observations On The Fiscal Cliff Debacle
    Wayward leadership taking us over the cliff.
  6. Dec 27, 2012

    Gun Control or Gun Possession Control
    Wading through the mess of gun legislation
  7. Dec 27, 2012

    Why Rihanna is Just Another Domestic Violence Statistic
    Rihanna is spending lots of time getting cosy with Chris Brown of late, despite his 2009 assault on her.
  8. Dec 26, 2012

    Microsoft Surface - A Winner All the Way
    The Microsoft Surface is a first generation device that might be falling short only just that bit when compared to the rest in the game.
  9. Dec 20, 2012

    How Responsible is Starcraft for Sandy Hook?
    Video games as the straw man for tragedy
  10. Dec 20, 2012

    Facebook and Instagram: Tech Giant Transgressions of 2012
    Will 2013 encourage new awareness and consideration for customers?
  11. Dec 19, 2012

    Forgiving Insanity: The Key to Surviving Bipolar Disorder
    The Key to Coping with a Family Member Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
  12. Dec 17, 2012

    December 21st, 2012, the Conspiracy Edition!
    With the world (possibly) ending on the 21st, we ask: How ridiculous can a theory be before we stop taking it seriously?
  13. Dec 15, 2012

    School Shooting: The End of the World
    Newtown Tragedy as a Sign of Society Sickness
  14. Dec 15, 2012

    US Shootings and the Myth of the 'Crazed Gunman'
    While the gun control debate rages, can we acknowledge truth concerning our violent tendencies?
  15. Dec 14, 2012

    Kate Middleton: the Naked Queen
    Why are we so fascinated?
  16. Dec 07, 2012

    Mitch McConnell plays game of Chicken with Senate
    As Mitch McConnell is forced to filibuster his own grandstanding, we ask: Doesn't the USA deserve better?
  17. Dec 03, 2012

    A Glass of News; No Lemon, Please
    Why must all news sources be flavored? Like my water: fresh, in a clear glass, and unflavored.
  18. Nov 28, 2012

    Samsung's Exciting New Advertising for a Ho-Hum Technology
    Samsung's new smartphone technology is not that smart, and not really needed on a phone. So why are they spending tens of millions to convince us that it is?
  19. Nov 28, 2012

    Glenn Beck Submerges Obama Figurine in Fake Urine As Art Stunt
    Glenn Beck's recent stunt sought to prove that the Left had hypocrisy concerning censorship. It didn't quite turn out that way.
  20. Nov 22, 2012

    Mitt Romney: The Anti-Cupid?
    An Australian's viewpoint on Romney's intent to prevent same-sex marriages.