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Top Services

Service Name Sharing Trend % Shares Viral Lift
* Based on overall AddThis sharing, last 90 days

Top Categories

Category Sharing Trend % Shares Viral Lift
* Based on overall AddThis sharing, last 90 days
1 Social Network 59.64% 114.45%
2 Blogging Platform 16.93% 91.86%
3 Email/IM Service 8.42% 82.19%
4 Tools 8.12% 0.46%
5 Bookmarking Site 5.23% 22.80%
6 Social News 1.54% 187.30%
7 Shopping Site 0.07% 4.42%
8 Other 0.05% 11.03%

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Movers & Shakers

Trending Up:
+130%1 LinkedIn
+80%5 Pocket
+72%6 Qzone
+51%8 Wykop
+41%10 ZingMe
Trending Down:
-54%1 TwitThis
-44%2 PDFmyURL
-36%3 JoliPrint
-30%4 iWiW
-21%5 Posterous
-19%6 YouMob
-15%8 Blogkeen
-14%9 Ketnooi
-14%10 CiteULike

* Based on overall sharing, last 90 days
