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National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)

Publication Numbering System

The EPA publications numbering system was designed in 1991 to provide easier identification, tracking and dissemination of publications. Each publication number identifies:

  • The responsible organization producing the publication.
  • A specific office/division within the organization.
  • An alpha descriptor of the document type.
  • Calendar year in which the publication was produced.
  • And the sequential number identifying how many of that type of publication were produced within that particular organization during the calendar year.

Example: 200-B-96-001 indicates a publication from Administration & Resources Management (see Table 1);
a reference (see Table 2); produced in 1996; and the first publication of that type issued in the year.

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TABLE 1 - Responsible Organization: (200-B-96-001)
Code Organization
10x Administrator, Deputy Administrator
11x Administrative Law Judges
12x Science Advisory Board (SAB)
13x Cooperative Environmental Management
14x Congressional & Legislative Affairs
15x Civil Rights
16x Office of International Activities
17x Office of Communications, Education and Public Affairs
18x Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization
19x Chief Financial Office (CFO)
20x-22x Office of Administration & Resources Management
23x Office of Policy, Planning, & Evaluation
27x Regional Operation & State/Local Relations
30x-34x Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
35x Inspector General
36x General Counsel
40x-45x Office of Air & Radiation
50x-55x Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response
56x Brownfields
60x-65x Office of Research & Development
70x-75x Office of Pesticides & Toxic Substances
80x-85x Office of Water
90x-91x Regions
950 The Responsible Organization is unknown


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TABLE 2 - Alpha Descriptor: (200-B-96-001)
Code Descriptor
A Article reprinted from other pub, abstracts, book chapters, presentations
B Reference (Bibliography, Glossary, Symposium Papers, Training Guides, Telephone Directories, etc)
C Computer (CD-I, CD-ROM, Floppy Diskette, etc)
D Draft
E Exhibit, Display, Booth
F Unbound Publication (fact sheet, leaflet, bulletin, flyer, brochure, etc)
H Photograph, Filmstrip, Slide, Poster, etc.
J Peer-reviewed Journal
K Bound publication (pamphlet, booklet, speech, etc)
M Microfilm, Microfiche
N Periodical (other than peer reviewed journal) (Journal, Newsletters, etc)
P Public Comment Draft
R Report, Symposium Report, Proceedings
S Summary, Research Brief, Conference Summary, Issue Paper
U Audio
V Video
Z Federal Register

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