Advertising Analytics

You’ve invested a lot to attract visitors to your site. How do you know your advertising programs are working? Look across all digital channels -- including search, display, social, affiliate, and email -- and see how they affected conversion rates and return. Take your analysis a step further with our unrivaled AdWords integration -- including mobile and display campaigns.


Make your search engine marketing more effective

Search engine marketing drives visitors to your site. With Google Analytics, you can link visitor behavior to your SEM campaigns (across Google, Bing, Yahoo and more) and make smarter bidding and keyword choices. If you use AdWords, you can auto-tag your campaigns and easily see any differences in conversion rates for different ad placements or landing pages.

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Use Remarketing to reach the right customers, quickly and easily

Remarketing with Google Analytics lets you tap into rich insights about customers who show an interest in your products and services -- and then show them targeted ads across the web that respond directly to what they're seeking.

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Understand how display advertising contributes to your programs

Find out how effective display can be at introducing new customers to your site. Focus in on specific placements and understand how effective they are at attracting the right types of visitors. Our integration with the Google Display Network (GDN) means you can use AdWords to create and manage campaigns and then insert Google Analytics tags on GDN marketing campaigns to measure success.

Give mobile campaigns the attention they deserve

If you’re running mobile ads or using mobile apps, you’ll want to understand performance. Mobile ad placements attract a different type of visitor, and Google Analytics shows you how they behave. You can break data down by device, measure ad performance, and optimize both your mobile and regular site using familiar metrics like time-on-site, bounce and conversion rate.

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See how your advertising campaigns work together with Multi-Channel Funnels

You’re advertising across multiple digital channels -- SEM, display, social, affiliate, and more -- and it’s important to understand what role each plays and how they work together to increase customers and conversions. Multi-Channel Funnels gives you a full picture of which work best and which are least effective, allowing you to optimize and improve digital marketing programs.

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Campaign measurement provides insights into what works, and what doesn’t

Measure campaigns across all channels to see which marketing activities are really paying off. View reports segmented by channel, and see real-time data in your account minutes after a campaign starts. You’ll see engagement and conversion activity for any link you tag, including email and banners. Plus, you can track offline campaigns that direct users to your site.

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