Contact: Mike Reynard 202-225-1112

Blackburn Statement on House Passage of the “No Budget, No Pay Act”

Washington, Jan 23 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today issued the following statement in support of the “No Budget, No Pay Act,” which was approved by the House of Representatives this afternoon as part of the effort to end Washington's out-of-control spending.
“Senate Democrats owe it to the American taxpayers to do what they haven’t done in 1,365 days – pass a budget. If they can’t perform one of the most basic functions of government, then they don’t deserve to receive a paycheck. 

“This legislation takes the necessary steps to ensure the President and Senate are held accountable for their failures to produce a budget and also allows us to begin a serious debate on real spending reductions. We don’t have a revenue problem in Washington, we have a spending problem and the American people are looking for solutions that will restore some fiscal sanity.”

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