USFK Organization

Transformation and Restationing, FKSC-D(R)

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Welcome to the USFK Transformation and Restationing (T&R) website!

USFK relocation out of the Greater Seoul Metropolitan Area and areas north of Seoul are important and significant events for both the US and ROK governments.  Korean will get valuable and strategic land back into Korean controls to realize the plans for the Korea’s long term goals.  US forces will consolidate into two hubs around Osan/Pyeontaek and Daegu while improving efficiencies , moving out of the populated Korean cities and into less congested areas., reducing the intrusive nature of the military presence in the community.  This ultimately provides US forces better readiness and enhances our ability to support the Republic of Korea.

We enjoy a great Alliance and Friendship with the Koreans and this is a fine example of how US and ROK work together,  support each other and plan to WIN TOGETHER.

Mission and Vision

Yongsan Relocation Plan (YRP) relocates most US Forces and HQ United Nations Command activities from the Seoul Metropolitan Area.  

The Land Partnership Plan (LPP) signed in 2002, consolidates and relocates US forces outside of Seoul, provides US forces dedicated time on Korean training areas and ranges, and ensures safety easements are provided and enforced.

YRP relocate KORCOM & 8th Army HQ and units from Seoul to USAG Humphreys and other locations.

LPP relocate 2ID HQ/units from Camps Casey/Red Cloud to USAG Humphreys and few other unit moves site consolidations.

USAG Humphreys

  • Grows from 1210 to 3538 acres
  • Grows from 10k to 36k population

Mission and Vision

End State

  • Consolidated into two enduring hubs with improved command and control
  • Key & valuable land returned to the Korean people