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USFK Organization


  • Unit Content Manager
    DSN: 725-6304
  • Secretary Combined Joint Staff
  • SCJS
    DSN: 725-4011/725-7905
  • SGM
    DSN: 723-4539
  • Deputy SCJS
  • Deputy SCJS
    DSN: 725-6304
  • SCJS Operations
  • Staff Action Control Officers
    DSN: 723-9931/5227/5226/3615
    DSN: 723-5226
  • SCJS Administration
    DSN: 723-5225
  • Protocol
  • Chief
    CELL: 010-5221-9981
    DSN: 723-3588
  • Deputy
    CELL: 010-5221-7560
    DSN: 723-3588
  • Protocol Operations
  • Operations Officer
    CELL: 010-3132-0274
    DSN: 723-6742
  • NCOIC 
    CELL: 010-3132-0284
    DSN: 723-3419
  • Protocol Administration
    CELL: 010-3132-0240
    DSN: 723-9969
  • RSVP
    DSN: 723-8183
    FAX: 723-8181
  • Airport Liaison
  • LNO
    CELL: 011-441-0732/011-473-0836
    DSN: 723-6392
  • ROK Deputy SCJS
  • Deputy SCJS
    DSN: 725-6041
    DSN: 725-4318
  • Admin & Language
    DSN: 723-5844/725-4322
  • ROK Protocol
  • Chief
    DSN: 725-4319
  • Protocol Specialist
    DSN: 723-4322


Secretary Combined Joint Staff, SCJS

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The Secretary Combined Joint Staff (SCJS) serves as the office manager for the Commander, Deputy Commanders, Chief of Staff, and Deputy Chiefs of Staff, United Nations Command (UNC), Combined Forces Command (CFC), and US Forces Korea (USFK).  Ensures accomplishment of completed staff actions by agencies of the Combined Joint Staff.  Processes correspondence addressed to, and dispatched from the Command Group, to include correspondence suspense control.  Serves as the administrative office for the Command Group, UNC/CFC/USFK.  Coordinates, compiles, and tracks staff actions/tasks.  Provides protocol support to the Command Group, UNC/CFC/USFK, distinguished visitor program through administrative and logistical support to distinguished visitors of the command.

Please contact our webmaster at 725-6304 if you have any questions or notice any errors on our site.


Acts as the office manager for the Commander, Deputy Commanders, Chief of Staff, and Deputy Chiefs of Staff, United Nations Command (UNC), Combined Forces Command (CFC), and US Forces Korea (USFK).  Ensures accomplishment of completed staff actions by agencies of the Combined Joint Staff.  Processes correspondence addressed to, and dispatched from the Command Group, to include correspondence suspense control.  Serves as the administrative office for the Command Group, UNC/CFC/USFK.  Coordinates, compiles, and tracks staff actions/tasks.  Provides protocol support to the Command Group, UNC/CFC/USFK, distinguished visitor program through administrative and logistical support to distinguished visitors of the command.