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Force Protection

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Current Force Protection Information

Location Status Amplifying Information
All Area Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Area I Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Area II Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Area III Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Area IV Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Chinhae Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Kunsan AB Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Osan AB Bravo
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8
Travel Alert N/A
  • plus CHARLIE measures 1, 4, 7, & 8

USFK Force Protection

Always be Alert, Always be Ready

Active Force Protection and Antiterrorism programs are fundamental in preventing terrorists or other unfriendly elements from harming our most important assets:  our service members, civilian employees and family members.  To make these programs work, we need your support and participation.  We need you to “Always be Ready, Always Be Alert”.  Essentially, if you see something that appears out of place, suspicious, or just “doesn’t feel right” then say something.  In 2007, a citizen working in a convenience store outside Fort Dix New Jersey chose to say something and prevented a terrorist attack from taking place.  Perhaps you may witness a person taking photographs of an installation, encounter someone who asks personal or probing questions, or observe pre-attack surveillance by terrorists.  The bottom line is that every report of suspicious activity to law enforcement or military intelligence helps paint a picture of activities going on around us and is essential in keeping you and your family, friends and co-workers safe.   Thank you in advance for your participation.


To Report Suspicious  Activity                     DSN   

Casey-Area 1                                                     730-4417 or 730-4418

Red Cloud - Area 1                                           732-6027 or 732-6693

Stanley - Area 1                                                 732-5310

Yongsan- Area 2                                               724-6695 or 724-6140

Humphreys- Area 3                                          753-3111 or 753-3112

Walker- Area 4                                                   764-5647 or 4141

Chinhae Naval Base - Area 4                         762-5345

Osan Air Force Base - Area 5                         784-5515

Daegu Air Base - Area 5                                  766-4088

Kunsan Air Base - Area 6                                782-4944

Carroll  - Area 4                                                 765-8509

Camp Mujuk - Area 4                                        767-4080

Gwangju Air Base – Area 5                             786-6814


Counter Intelligence Point of Contacts

Area I:  Camp Red Cloud

Army Military Intelligence – DSN 732-7058 or 6761; Commercial 05033

Cell 010-3695-0370, 011-664-8037, 010-2905-3432.


Area II:  Yongsan

Army Military Intelligence - DSN 736-6678 or 736-6387; Commercial 05033

Cell 010-7120-7314, 010-2795-1643

Air Force Office of Special Investigations – DSN 738-6057; Commercial 05033

Navy Naval Criminal Investigative Service  – DSN 723-2463; Commercial 05033


Area III:  Camp Humphreys

Army Military Intelligence - DSN 753-8155 or 753-8443; Commercial 05033

Cell 010-3100-0171, 010-4442-2773


Area IV:  Camp Walker/Carroll/Busan

Army Military Intelligence – Walker – DSN 768-6768 or 768-6916; Commercial 05033

Cell 010-9049-0470, 010-2910-2244

Camp Carroll – DSN 765-7744; Commercial 05033

Cell 010-8831-6664, 010-2508-1516

Busan – DSN 763-3314 or 3630; Commercial 05033

Cell 011-9909-0993, 010-9049-7866


Area V: Osan

Air Force Office of Special Investigations – DSN 784-3193; Commercial 05033


Area VI: Kunsan

Air Force Office of Special Investigations – DSN 782-5097


United States Forces Korea / Component Anti-Terrorism Offices

United States Forces Korea J34:                                                                              DSN 723-3674

Eighth United States Army, Chief Antiterrorism Division:                                     DSN  723-6645 

7th Air Force, Director of Security Forces:                                                                DSN  784-6575 

7th Air Force, Security Force Superintendent:                                                         DSN  784-6524 

Marine Forces Korea, Assistant Chief of Staff G2:                                                 DSN  723-7077 

Commander, Naval Forces Korea, Security Officer:                                              DSN  723-2455 

Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR):                                                DSN  723-5663