New Year — Same Realities: Mark’s Latest Video Blog

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Thursday’s Lineup


Congressman Pete Sessions voted “aye” on the fiscal cliff bill, and he joins us this morning to discuss.


Ken Emanuelson, founder of Grassroots Texans joins us to share his perspective on a variety of grassroots conservative efforts — from the local to the federal level.

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Wednesday’s Lineup

 7:35amCT – Robert Costa

Robert Costa, a Washington-based political reporter for National Review covers the White House, Congress, and campaigns. He was in the middle of the unfolding drama on the Hill over the past couple of days and will pop on to share his perspective.

Read his latest “Done Deal: 257-167″ HERE.

8:35amCT – Congressman Dr. Michael Burgess

Congressman Burgess joins us this morning to discuss his “nay” vote on the Senate’s Fiscal Cliff Bill.

9:05amCT – Congressman Joe Barton

Congressman Barton also voted “nay” yesterday, and he joins us us to explain why.

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Friday’s Guest Lineup

UPDATE: Did you miss today’s show? Catch the podcasts of our segments with today’s guests:

Dr. Merrill Matthews — Click HERE.

Jonah Goldberg — Click HERE.

Bud Kennedy — Click HERE.

Producer Susan Cloud here filling in one more day for Mark Davis. I hope you’ll all join me this morning in welcoming the following guests:


As the fiscal cliff draws all the more near — and as a resolution appears more and more unlikely — we welcome Dr. Merrill “Buddy” Matthews, resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) and weekly contributer to on the show to discuss.

Visit HERE.



Jonah Goldberg, editor-at-large of National Review Online joins us to discuss a variety of issues, from the liberal infatuation with the race card, to fiscal cliff negotiations, as well as what to expect in 2013.

Read his latest at

Subscribe to the Goldberg File. (Do it.)



Is there a better way to wrap up the week — and the year — than by discussing food? Fort Worth Star Telegram columnist Bud Kennedy pops in the studio to share his thoughts on the best new dining spots in DFW, as well as what’s coming in 2013.

Read Bud’s latest HERE.

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Thursday’s Guest Lineup

UPDATE: Catch the podcasts of our segments with this morning’s guests:

Lee Habeeb — Click HERE.

“Gay Patriot” Bruce Carroll — Click HERE.

Adrian Murray — Click HERE.


This is Producer Susan Cloud here this week to fill in for the vacationing Mark Davis. On today’s show we’ll be digging into some social issues as we examine whether the GOP’s approach to both abortion and same-sex marriage is working.


We welcome Lee Habeeb, VP of content for the Salem Radio Network to discuss his recent piece in National Review “Letter to a Christian Nation.” Lee is a former atheist who converted to Christianity just five years ago, and he joins us to offer his perspective on ways Christian conservatives can better-address the issues of same-sex marriage and abortion.

Read “Letter to a Christian Nation” here.


If you’re active in the social media world or the blogosphere, you’re likely aware of “Gay PatroitBruce Carroll. Bruce is a leading conservative voice in the gay community — yes, they exist — and he joins us to discuss the topic of same-sex marriage.

Follow the Gay Patroit blog here.


After amazing gains in 2010, but some disappointing setbacks in 2012, what role will the Tea Party continue to play in conservative politics? From the recent presidential election to some heated fights at the state and local level, conservative activist, business owner, author, and former President of Fort Worth 912 Adrian Murray joins us to share his perspective.

We’ll also chat with Adrian about the upcoming Tarrant County Lincoln Day Dinner with keynote speaker Rick Santorum.

For tickets, click here.


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Christmas In Texas

As heard on this morning’s show, here’s Producer Susan Cloud singing “Christmas In Texas” (written by Susan and her talented daughter Reagan).


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Plan B Fails … What’s Next?

House Speaker John Boehner failed to find support for fiscal “Plan B” last night … so where do we go from here? We welcome two members of Congress this morning to discuss.

8:35amCT – Congressman Dr. Michael Burgess
9:05amCT – Congressman Joe Barton

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The Beginning of the End of the Gay Marriage Debate?

In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Court has agreed to review two gay marriage cases. Joining us to discuss the specifics of each case — as well as the potential outcomes and implications — is Ilya Shapiro, senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute and editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review.


Ilya Shapiro, Cato Institute

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A Visit With Bill Kristol

Joining us Wednesday at 7:35amCT to discuss the ongoing fiscal cliff negotiations — as well as to do some year-end wrap-up chat — is one of our favorite voices from the world of conservative punditry, the great Bill Kristol.

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A Place to Start

On the list of solutions to reduce future carnage from young people: Rediscover the resilience of a bygone era.

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