Reynolds Journalism Institute develops non-residential fellowship for 2013-2014

By RJI on December 24, 2012 0 Comments Ideas Experiments Research

Residential/Non-Residential Fellowship applications due Feb. 15

Reynolds Journalism Institute

Do you have an innovative idea to improve the practice or understanding of journalism you’ve wanted to try but haven’t had the resources or time?

Consider the opportunity to devote eight months to intense thinking, research and experimentation with the goal of advancing the practice of journalism in important ways as a Reynolds Fellow at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.

New this year, RJI is offering a non-residential fellowship to those who want to develop an idea while working at their company/organization. Through this type of fellowship, RJI is seeking ideas that would provide a direct benefit to your company and clear path for implementation.

Residential fellowships are also available and would allow you to spend time on the University of Missouri campus. You would have access to numerous intellectual, marketing and technological resources at RJI and the University.

Because of the current financial challenges to supporting quality journalism, RJI is particularly interested in ideas on how to connect citizens with news and advertising more efficiently, to grow revenues, to engage communities or to ensure that the industry is taking full advantage of new and emerging technologies.

RJI can help you turn these ideas into useful new tools, strategies, products or services through a Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellowship.

Consideration of applications will begin Feb. 15. Learn more about these fellowship opportunities and how to apply. The fellowship page also includes a list of frequently asked questions. Visit our people page to learn about RJI’s current and former fellows and their projects.


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