Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) released the following statement regarding his exchange with Senator John Kerry (MA) at today’s hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"I am grateful to Senator Kerry for stating that the intelligence which he reviewed shortly after the attack indicated that there were no protests at Benghazi. Why then did U.N. Ambassador Rice and others continue to insist that there were? Why did this administration continue to mislead the American public?

"Senator Kerry also asked whether I had attended a specific classified briefing held last year, one that was made available to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I became a member of the Committee quite recently, and so was not invited to the briefing offered last year. I have participated in multiple classified briefings on Benghazi, and others that were unclassified. I attended briefings offered to all Senators, and to members of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs."
