
Clinton on talking points: 'What difference at this point does it make?'

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Published on Jan 23, 2013

Hillary Clinton on Jan. 23, 2013.

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  • jlsmijan

    Another way Hillary could have phrased her question might be, "What difference does the truth make at this point?" I wonder how many people will be able to get away with this in the future?

    You are in court, on the stand. "Do you know who killed this man?"

    " What difference does it make? He is already dead."

    "Did you see the killer?"

    "What difference does it make?"

    "Is that the murder weapon?"

    "What difference does it make?" America, Does it make any difference once the crime is committed?

    · 12

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  • micky bee

    this sick green whore has moor blood on her hands than you could ever imagine.

    · 7

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  • wiscokiddd

    McCarthy was right? Yeah right like meaning Hitler should have won WWII because all the Wall Street war profiteering ZioNazi pigs loved him & their war booty. Yeah right like a fascist corporatocracy schlep. Holy McCarthy! Holy f-ing Lot impregnating his daughters, holy god justified genocide. Jesus f'ing ZioNazi Capitalist war profiteering monetary monopolizing thing to say. Don't eat pig because you might be eating your mother for Christ sakes. Holy god laid his magic wand into Mary McCarthy


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    in reply to kandy1958 (Show the comment)
  • Matt Sitler

    "what difference does it make - its our job to figure out what happened and prevent it from happening again"

    thats the point you moron ~ what happened? why did it happen? who decided to call it one thing with no supporting proof, then deny deny deny the truth only to admit it later? the senator is trying to figure out what happened Hilliary ~ thats the very questions he asked as you stonewall away. liars.


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  • TheArfdog

    Cool with me, he could run a secret strip club out the back of the WH for all I care.... as long as they fix the economy, promote successful policies, and pay the debt down a little (but not all the way, because that's a waste of money).


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    in reply to truthman1959 (Show the comment)
  • Shadyblast

    What I really hate about watching Americans is that they seem to have an obsession not to let anyone finish a sentence. Ever. It's like you don't meet to have a conversation but rather just to have someone at whom you can yell. And if someone's exceedingly good at yelling, he'll get his own talk show on Fox, just like Bill O'Reilly.


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    So fuck justice and preventing the killer from killing again right?


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    in reply to jlsmijan (Show the comment)
  • kandy1958

    The dems voted for those wars too. Hillary talked about how she looked at all the evidence and voted to go to war. Then there's John Kerry "I voted for the war, before I voted against it". Kinda makes me wonder, at what point did he not know what he was doing? Personally, I'll go with most of the time.


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    in reply to hittlevm1 (Show the comment)
  • kandy1958

    Ya. Obama was all against donations until they started to offer them; then he was all for it.

    The reason for the impeachment talk is the fact that he "rules" as if he never read the Constitution. I can't believe he's not in prison now.


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    in reply to hittlevm1 (Show the comment)
  • bolitapelona



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  • kandy1958

    Ahhaaa! And you see now that McCarthy was right. And Johnson was the only one who asked any kind of real question. It was completely sickening to watch the Dems falling all over themselves trying to kiss her ring.


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    in reply to wiscokiddd (Show the comment)
  • rB777ftw

    Right, and Bush is a patriotic hero.


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    in reply to micky bee (Show the comment)
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