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Oiwan Lam

a media activist, researcher and educator currently based in Hong Kong. my chinese writings are in and my twitter account is @oiwan.

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Latest posts by Oiwan Lam

29 October 2014

Take a Photographic Tour of Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy ‘Umbrella Square’

The headquarters of the Occupy Central movement counts more than 1,600 tents, where protesters are camping out to demand free and fair elections from Hong Kong and Beijing authorities.

23 October 2014

Hong Kong Lion Rock Occupied

22 October 2014

Learn Who's Who in Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution With ‘Mr and Little Miss Hong Kong People’

Inspired by British cartoon "Mr Men and Little Miss," commercial artist Maxwell created illustrations of the important pro-democracy protesters and government workers caught up in the Occupy Central movement.

17 October 2014

Hong Kong's Journalists Battle Self-Censorship, Intimidation and Police Violence to Report Umbrella Revolution

Global Voices Advocacy

Four independent news sites issued a joint statement condemning police for intentionally attacking reporters. Reporters at other outlets have had to deal with management's self-censorship for fear of angering Beijing.

15 October 2014

Six Hong Kong Police Officers Kick and Punch a Handcuffed Protester in a Dark Corner

Beijing Claims Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Protests Are a US-Backed Color Revolution

Never mind that the very thing protesters are fighting for -- the right to nominate candidates -- is a feature of local elections in mainland China.

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