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Friday, January 4, 2013


Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan, was among the measure's powerful supporters in Washington.
Gary Cameron/Reuters

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan, was among the measure's powerful supporters in Washington.

Auto Racetrack Owners Keep Coveted Tax Break

A break for speed racing, like similar special benefits, will cost the government millions, but supporters defended it as a tax break.

Scare Amplifies Fears That Clinton’s Work Has Taken Heavy Toll

Those who know her best hope that Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is renowned for her grueling work and travel schedule, will take some time to rest.

Congress Passes a $9.7 Billion Storm Relief Measure

Under intense pressure from New York and New Jersey officials, the House and Senate on Friday both passed a bill to aid people who suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy.

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F.D.A. Offers Sweeping Rules to Fight Food Contamination

Proposed rules represent a change in the way the Food and Drug Administration polices food, a process that now involves swinging into action after contamination has been identified.

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Day of Records and Firsts as 113th Congress Opens

The first day of the 113th Congress brought a new diversity to the Capitol, including a record number of women and various firsts for the numbers of Latinos and Asians.

Liked but Not Feared, Boehner Keeps a Job Some Might Ask Why He Wants

Although no one rose up to challenge him, 12 Republicans rejected Speaker John A. Boehner’s leadership, a warning of further challenges ahead.

Boehner Retains Speaker’s Post, but Dissidents Nip at His Heels

Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio was re-elected speaker of the House amid open dissent from conservatives that suggested the last Congress’s turmoil would live on.

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Inaugural Contributors Identified

When President Obama’s inaugural planners released the names of donors on Friday, only a handful of companies were on the list of several hundred contributors.

Obama Disputes Limits on Detainee Transfers Imposed in Defense Bill

The president said he had the power to override a defense measure’s limits on the executive branch’s ability to transfer detainees out of military prisons.

A Victory for Google as F.T.C. Takes No Formal Steps

A finding by the Federal Trade Commission that Google had not broken the law by highlighting its own services in search results could strengthen the firm’s already dominant position.

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The Caucus

Chief Justice Roberts to Preside at Obama’s Swearing-In

Mr. Obama gets to choose who swears him in as president, and once again he chose Chief Justice John Roberts.

Congress Renews Credit for Biodiesel Industry

The fiscal package passed this week included a retroactive reinstatement of a dollar-a-gallon credit going back to January 2012, when it lapsed.

News Analysis

For Obama, a Victory That Also Holds Risks

The new fiscal deal holds small victories for President Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress that further their policy aims, but Mr. Obama lost some leverage for future battles.

Tax Deal Shows Possible Path Around House G.O.P. in Fiscal Fights to Come

Starting bipartisan talks in the Senate to put pressure on the House may become a more formalized process as President Obama and lawmakers grapple with other fiscal deadlines.

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Clinton Out of Hospital After Treatment for Clot

Doctors said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton would make a full recovery after being treated for several days for a blood clot in a vein in her head.

Lawmakers Gird for Next Fiscal Clash, on the Debt Ceiling

Even as Republicans vow to leverage the federal borrowing limit in their demands for spending cuts, President Obama, who signed the tax bill Wednesday, says he won’t join in more charged talks on the issue.

Debt Ceiling Doubt and Its Costs

Another manufactured deadline with a colorful name is threatening to hamstring the government and undermine the economy. Goodbye, fiscal cliff. Hello, debt ceiling.

A Gigantic Sigh of Relief as Tax Uncertainty Ends

Congress’s last-minute deal means Americans will pay higher taxes, but they are happy to have the confusion resolved.

Some Breaks for Industries Are Retained in Fiscal Deal

Hollywood, the railroad industry and rum producers benefited from some obscure provisions that survived the deal between the White House and Congress.

Stalling of Storm Aid Makes Northeast Republicans Furious

The depth of the anger that followed the House’s refusal to take up a package of assistance for Hurricane Sandy victims was extraordinary and exceedingly personal.

Secrecy of Memo on Drone Killing Is Upheld

A federal judge refused to require the Justice Department to disclose a memorandum providing the legal justification for the killing of a United States citizen in Yemen in 2011.

Immigration Change to Ease Family Separations

New rules unveiled will allow many American citizens to avoid long separations from family members who are illegal immigrants as they apply to become legal residents.

The Fiscal Debate

The New York Times is following negotiations over the nation’s fiscal path.

From the Magazine

Jon Huntsman Could Do Without Bill Clinton’s Kudos

The former presidential hopeful says being known as the sane, honest Republican doesn’t play well in primaries.

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The Opening Day of the 113th Congress

Members of the 113th Congress were sworn in on Thursday, marking a day of firsts and records for both chambers.

How the National Rifle Association Rates Lawmakers

The National Rifle Association gives members of Congress a grade ranging from A to F.

How the Tax Burden Has Changed

Compare how much Americans paid in federal, state and local taxes over the past three decades.

Presidential Exit Polls

A look at how different demographics voted in 2012.

Obama’s Diverse Base of Support

A survey of the groups responsible for the President’s re-election.

President Obama’s Election Night Speech

“Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual,” President Obama said after winning the election. “You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours.”

In the States

A look at some of the most notable races and ballot measures in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The 2012 Presidential Campaign, Week by Week

Every week during the 2012 presidential campaign, The Times posted a slide show recapping the events of the past seven days.

332 Obama Dashboard-dem-check@2x
Dashboard-rep-check@2x Romney 206
270 to win
Senate »
54 Hp-dem-check@2x
1 Ind.
Hp-rep-check@2x 45
House »
195 Hp-dem-check@2x
Hp-rep-check@2x 233