IAB Committees & Councils: What's Happening

The IAB helps drive the industry forward through the efforts of ten committees and seven councils in various industry segments. Comprised of some of the brightest minds in their space, these groups work together to develop solutions that improve the interactive advertising and marketing ecosystem.

First Quarter 2013 Activities & Initiatives


  • Working group on Digital Audio Tagging
  • Working group to establish Audio Impression definition
  • Update of Audio Ecosystem Overview
  • Audio Agency Day planning underway
  • Next meeting: February 18, 2013
  • Bob Felsenthal, VP/Publisher B2B Magazine-Crain and Michael Friedenberg, CEO, IDG Enterprise are the new committee co-chairs
  • 2013 agenda discussed at Q1 Committee meeting. Call for participants on Best Practices Working Group, and for blog post contributors on subject of B2B/Paid, Owned, Earned
  • Next meeting: May 16, 2013
  • Rising Stars Digital Video submissions under review by Technical Operations Board
  • In-image advertising discussions taking place
  • Video Suite education initiative is ongoing


  • "Games. Everybody Plays" video in development by working group
  • IAB at SXSW. Co-Chairs Joy Taylor (EA) and Kym Nelson (IGN) will represent the IAB Games Committee
  • Buyer's Guide Update working group accepting volunteers
  • Speaker submissions for Games Agency Day, "Everybody Plays," being accepted in Q2
  • Next meeting: February 13, 2013 @ AppNexxus Theater in NYC. Annual agenda to be set then
  • Completed IAB Terms & Conditions 3.0
  • Updating commitee documents such as Email Monetization Strategies
  • 2013 agenda being developed

  • Audience Reach Measurement Definitions are in final review phase
  • QAG 2.0 Taskforce is developing project plan for Guidelines update
  • QAG Effectiveness survey is in market
  • QAG Agency Day planned for January 2013
  • IAB and JEGI Social Media Ecosystem Report released October 22, 2012
  • Social Media Week Chicago took place in September 2012. IAB session titled, “What’s So Funny About Paid, Owned, Earned?” hosted by The Onion. Speakers included The Onion. Ladies & Gentleman, Bluefin Labs, Local Response, Miller/Coors and Havas. Was a Top 10 trending hashtag for the week
  • POV on Paid, Owned and Earned Initiative - IAB invites you to share opinions, thoughts, questions and research regarding the relationship of Paid to Owned to Earned via the Twitter hashtag #IABPOEM. View Randall Rothenberg’s thoughts here
  • Committees blog series: submit ideas for #IABPOEM to susan@iab.net
  • Social Media Week NY: Social Media Author's Roundtable, February 19th, 4-5pm ET.  Sold out
  • Social Media Agency Day NYC planned for April 3rd. Theme: "Planning for Real Time." Speaker submissions now being accepted
  • Next meeting: In lieu of a formal meeting, the IAB will host a brunch on Sunday, March 10th in Austin, TX during SXSW.  Please let us know if your company will be there




The newly formed Ad Technology Advisory Board announces the first six working groups of the Ad Technology Council:
Next meeting of the Ad Technology Council: January 31, 2013 in NYC
  • Ecosystem Mapping
  • New: Attribution Working Group
  • New: Data Integrity and Quality Program
  • Data Driven Advertising Website revealed at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting
  • IAB study reveals 'Data Divide', showcases emerging approaches and identifies key challenges
  • IAB Data Segments & Techniques Lexicon Released
  • Addressing misinformation around data gathering and usage through marketer and agency education
  • Defining and mapping the different kinds of data that can be collected through media buying
  • Created a data lexicon: common definitions and terms for data segmentation and data sources
  • Next meeting: February 14, 2013 in NYC
  • Collaborated with Research Council on Hispanic Consumers & Digital Media
  • African American Working Group working with Nielsen and comScore on research that seeks to improve measurement of AA households
  • Sales Award working group meeting to determine 2012 Award recipients be announced at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting in February 2013
  • Working group formed to vet an Online Sales/Media Kit being developed with Fusebox
  • Town Hall forums taking place throughout the year
  • Focusing on three key initiatives in 2012: KPI & Metrics, Compensation and Accounts & Receivable
  • Working on creating a Compensation Subgroup for Q4 2012
  • Collecting results of a Q2 2012 survey for the Accounts Receivable Subgroup
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