IAB Compliance Seal Program
Attention IAB Members: Display your compliance to IAB standards in your media kits.
Download the IAB Compliance Seal Application today!

IAB standards and guidelines give advertisers and their agencies the ability to develop advertising content with consistent specifications that are accepted by most leading interactive publishers. This leads to greater efficiencies for the online ad-creation and media-buying communities, thereby increasing the value of doing business with IAB compliant publishers. The IAB Compliance Seal is your tool to ensure your customers and potential customers know you are compliant with IAB standards and guidelines.

Please note that this program is for IAB Members only.

Rich Media Creative Guidelines Compliance

Universal Ad Package Compliance

Digital Video Ad Format Compliance

Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) Compliance

Digital Video Player-Ad Interface Definitions (VPAID) Compliance

Mobile Rich-media Ad Interface Definitions (MRAID) Compliance