IAB Long Tail Alliance

Check out highlights from the 2012 Washington Fly-In.

As an IAB Long Tail Alliance member you will:

“I decided to join the IAB for any number of reasons. Primarily, I want to be connected with an organization that’s ahead of the curve, and gives me an enormous competitive edge in the marketplace. I also enjoy being surrounded by other successful people who help me to achieve goals I set for myself. I also love the fact that the IAB represents small digital publishers like myself in Washington. I don’t have the time nor resources to be heard, but politicians need to know the facts about what is happening in the Internet world I work in. The IAB delivers a fair and balanced perspective to these lawmakers."

— Tim Carter
Founder, AsktheBuilder.com

IAB Long Tail Alliance Membership is open to any publisher that sells indirectly, through a network, or directly, and has revenues under $1 million per year. Fill out the application to sign up today.

For more information, please contact Corie Levy at corie@iab.net.

Please enjoy complimentary seminars from our Long Tail Alliance Educational Seminar series