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U.S. House Short-Term Debt Ceiling Proposal Tells Senate "No Budget, No Pay"


U.S. House Short-Term Debt Ceiling Proposal Tells Senate "No Budget, No Pay"

‘Spending cuts must come first,’ says Brady

Washington, DC – The U.S. House of Representatives will take up a measure next week that forces the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass its first budget in nearly four years before Congress takes up any measure to consider a long-term increase in America's debt ceiling. The bill authorizes a temporary three month debt limit increase and withholds pay for members of the Senate or House if they fail to pass a budget out of their respective chambers.

The Republican-controlled House has passed a budget each of its years in control which puts America back on the path to a balanced budget and to begin paying down its record debt.

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee, supports the measure, saying, “Washington must deliver spending cuts before any increase in America's borrowing limit is considered.”

“This is a simple principle: no budget, no pay. America is in the middle of a deficit crisis, yet the Senate has ducked its budget duty for nearly four years,” says Brady. “For most Americans, if you don't do your job you don't get paid. Welcome to the real world, Senate.”

Brady added, “President Obama is demanding a blank check to put America deeper in hock. But I believe Washington has a spending problem – let's tackle that first. Moving the debt ceiling debate back three months not only assures investors that America will pay its bills, it also forces President Obama and the Senate to address spending cuts ahead of it.” 

Brady believes federal automatic spending cuts set to kick-in on March 1 and funding for the federal budget that expires March 27th are prime opportunities for getting America's financial house in order.  Both are critical, he says, to prevent another downgrade of America's credit rating.

“Before the President borrows more money to fund the federal budget, shouldn't we know what the budget is going to be first?”