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President's Proposals Won't Keep Children Safe at School or Protect 2nd Amendment Rights


For Immediate Release

January 16, 2013

Tracee Evans(202-374-9377)

Shana Teehan(202-740-0334)


Congressman Kevin Brady Responds to President Obama's Gun Control Campaign

President’s Proposals Won't Keep Children Safe at School or Protect 2nd Amendment Rights

Washington, DC -- U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) issued the following statement on the President's gun control announcement.

"I want our children safe at school and our Second Amendment rights protected at home. The President's proposals do neither.

"Strong gun control laws in Connecticut didn't stop the Sandy Hook tragedy - and won't stop others like them in America. In fact, areas with the most restrictive gun laws historically suffer from higher rates of gun violence.

"As for the 23 executive orders, why did it take the deaths of school children, movie-goers and an attack on a congresswoman before the President finally acted to enforce existing gun laws?

"Why did it take the President so long to keep guns away from the mentally ill, insist agencies work together and fill the ATF leadership vacancy?

"I also question the wisdom of turning doctors into law enforcement investigators, and I can't help but notice that the President's coziest Hollywood contributors - who profit greatly from creating America's culture of violence - got a complete pass.

"That's disappointing for parents like me who fight to shield our children from the relentless, in-your-face violence on TV screens and at the movies."
