PAC President Julie Turner with other Tea Party Leaders and Ted Cruz July 2012
Sarah Palin at The Woodlands Town Green Park on July 20, 2012
Senator Jim DeMint at The Woodlands Town Green Park July 2012
Ted Cruz at our rally in Conroe on 10/21/12
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott speaks at our rally on 10/21/12
The Cain-Gingrich Debate, November 5th, 2011
Sending aid to Hurricane Sandy victims in New York
Candidate Ted Cruz at the PAC Open Meeting on April 10
Lord Christopher Monckton with Pac Patriots working the Polls - May 2012
Thomas Jefferson teaching at Vacation Liberty School Summer 2012
Social Media Training with Alice Linahan
Parking Lot Patriots Pizza Party at Pizza by Marco Summer 2012 - yes, we do have fun!
Our parking lot patriot volunteers work hard during elections to reach voters!
Cain-Gingrich Presidential Debate in The Woodands 2011
Senator Dan Patrick and Michael Berry at Tax Day in the Park 2011
Suzanne Guggenheim at Tax Day Rally in the Park 2010

PAC President Julie Turner with other Tea Party Leaders and Ted Cruz July 2012

Sarah Palin at The Woodlands Town Green Park on July 20, 2012

Senator Jim DeMint at The Woodlands Town Green Park July 2012

Ted Cruz at our rally in Conroe on 10/21/12

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott speaks at our rally on 10/21/12

The Cain-Gingrich Debate, November 5th, 2011

Sending aid to Hurricane Sandy victims in New York

Candidate Ted Cruz at the PAC Open Meeting on April 10

Lord Christopher Monckton with Pac Patriots working the Polls - May 2012

Thomas Jefferson teaching at Vacation Liberty School Summer 2012

Social Media Training with Alice Linahan

Parking Lot Patriots Pizza Party at Pizza by Marco Summer 2012 - yes, we do have fun!

Our parking lot patriot volunteers work hard during elections to reach voters!

Cain-Gingrich Presidential Debate in The Woodands 2011

Senator Dan Patrick and Michael Berry at Tax Day in the Park 2011

Suzanne Guggenheim at Tax Day Rally in the Park 2010


We are TEA PARTY patriots united by our commitment to:
- The Constitution
- Fiscal Responsibility
- Free Markets
- Limited Government
- American Exceptionalism


Our mission is to organize, educate and inform citizens regarding public policy, and to support the election of local, state and federal candidates who share our conservative values.


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Many Republicans always say the right things when at home. But when it comes to doing the right thing in Washington, is the fear of being blamed for the party losing in the next mid-term election too great?

From Scott Rasmussen: Official Washington hailed the deal to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff as a significant bipartisan accomplishment. However, voters around the country viewed the deal in very partisan terms: Seven out of 10 Democrats approved of it, while seven out of 10 Republicans disapproved.

Many of you continue to express your frustration with the fiscal cliff vote and the inability of this House to effectively use what leverage has to at least attempt to control spending.  The Texas Patriots PAC has encouraged Congressman Brady to schedule a townhall on the fiscal cliff vote and the upcoming spending issues.  Many thanks to District Manager Sarah Stevens, who quickly responded with a time and place to do just that.  This Townhall will be Thursday, Jan 24, 6:00 pm, at The Woodlands United Methodist Church - Wesley Hall.

We congratulate Congressman Brady on his recent appointment to Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee; a post that honors his many years of service in the House and his great ability to work with others.

Mr. Brady, with this JEC position and his very strongly Republican district, has all the support anyone could ask for to insist on the most conservative fiscal solutions.   He could forcefully argue that government should work as designed (the House and Senate agree on a responsible budget, which the President then signs), dropping the work-arounds (i.e. continuing resolutions, Super Committees, fiscal cliffs and debt ceiling deadlines) which lead to brinkmanship and are portrayed by the press for what they are:  reckless and irresponsible.  Even Congressman Brady’s comprehensive spending reform proposal (“MAP”) stems from the recognition that the regular order and process of government has been disregarded.  But a responsible budget signed into law is the correct and constitutional way to begin to get our spending under control.  And Mr. Brady would have overwhelming support in his district and from conservatives across the country, if he were to insist on doing things the right way. 

Those in leadership are under a great deal of pressure to consider the impact of each vote on the most vulnerable members of the caucus - Republicans in swing districts.  But it increasingly appears that fear of losing these swing districts may be keeping Republicans from taking the actions they know would be best for the country.  And as a consequence, the status quo, which is taking us in the wrong direction, prevails. 

According to the Madison Project, Congressman Brady is from one of the most strongly Republican districts in the country.  However, he votes far less conservatively than would be supported at home. 

To be sure, Mr. Brady scores higher on conservative measures when compared to others in Republican leadership.  But his constituents expect his votes to reflect their value, and votes like the one he just made on the fiscal cliff at best disappoint. 

The Madison Performance Index (MPI) measures how closely a member of Congress is overperforming or underperforming the expected conservative score for his or her district. 

Click HERE to see the conservative ratings for House Republican leadership and for US Representatives from Texas.

Congressman Brady has an opportunity that is unique among Republican congressional leaders to promote...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Thursday, January 24, 2013 - 6:00pm
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm