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The Sunday Review

Andrea Ventura

The Hôtel Meina

For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the story of Lotte and Mario, and what happened to the guests of an Italian hotel when the Nazis came to stay.


She’s (Rarely) the Boss

Sheryl Sandberg, the No. 2 executive at Facebook, offers a provocative take on why women are so underrepresented in leadership positions.


Revolution Hits the Universities

Nothing has more potential to let us reimagine higher education than massive open online course, or MOOC, platforms. comment icon Comment


Divided by Abortion, United by Feminism

How the pro-life movement has learned to love equal opportunity. comment icon Comment


Catholicism’s Curse

Roman Catholic leaders pay too much heed to insulating, justifying and protecting their priesthood and themselves. comment icon Comment

Editorial | The Gun Challenge

What We Don’t Know Is Killing Us

After a 17-year freeze imposed by the gun lobby, government research on the causes and prevention of gun violence must resume. comment icon Comment

Simon, a humanoid robot, sits for a photograph.

Talking, Walking Objects

The future is rich with sensor-based, animated devices to give us affirmation, coach us and just plain keep us company. comment icon Comment

News Analysis

Who Decides the Laws of War?

Can military tribunals charge people with idiosyncratic offenses that are not war crimes under international law?

News Analysis

Your Biggest Carbon Sin May Be Air Travel

With President Obama declaring climate change a part of his second-term agenda, all eyes are on the United States on the matter of airlines’ carbon emissions.


Mexico: The New China

How can we revive American manufacturing and create thousands of good jobs? Build in Mexico.


Successful and Schizophrenic

Some people with severe mental illness are capable of high levels of achievement.


Enjoying Snow, While We Still Have It

Scientists warn that future winters may be less white.

A rare sight, snow on a recent day in London.
Gray Matter

January Is the Cruelest Month

Written inside of us is the birth of the solar system and workings of the planet itself.


The Great Giveback

Needless restitution of antiquities makes ancient art less available for the public.


Mr. Cameron’s European Fantasy

The British prime minister is ambivalent about his country’s future in the European Union, but he can’t pretend to have it both ways.


The Bird Flu Experiments

Research on the deadly bird flu virus is to resume, but have all earlier concerns been adequately addressed?

Editorial | Sunday Observer

A Back-Seat Narrator by the Name of Ishmael

By Oklahoma, we felt as if we had approached some metaphysical border.

The Strip

The Rich and Poor Victims of Climate Change

January 27, 2013

The changing weather patterns will bring adjustments for everyone.

Opinionator | The Great Divide

The Rise of the Permanent Temp Economy

To avoid union opposition, the postwar temp industry exploited cultural ambivalence about middle-class white women's work. Then it became a model for corporate America.


Carl Malamud

The public domain hero discusses a bulldozer safety video and his recipe for durian cheesecake.

The Strip | By Brian McFadden

A weekly comic strip by Brian McFadden.

Is there a link between violence in the media and in real life?

unday Dialogue: Mayhem on Our Screens
Stephen Vuillemin

Sunday Dialogue: Mayhem on Our Screens

Stephen Vuillemin

Is there a link between violence in the media and in real life?

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

G.O.P. Rebranding

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