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Gaza power plant stops due to smuggled fuel shortage

By Nidal al-Mughrabi

GAZA | Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:17pm EST

Feb 14 (Reuters) – The Gaza Strip’s only power station, which supplies the Palestinian enclave with up to two-thirds of its energy needs, was shut down on Tuesday because of a shortage of fuel smuggled in from neighbouring Egypt.

The closure led to widespread blackouts for Gaza’s 1.7 million inhabitants. The local power company warned that households would receive only six hours of electricity a day until the problem was resolved.

Under Attack: Golani Brigade’s war on the Palestinian population of Al-Khalil (Hebron)

Al-Khalil (Hebron), Palestine, February 12, 2012. Since the arrival of the Golani Brigade in Hebron on December 27th, international accompaniment organizations (Christian Peacemaker Teams, International Solidarity Movement, and others) have documented an increase in the number of serious human rights violations against the Palestinian people, particularly youth and children in the Old City and Tel Rumeida.

8 February 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

Bedouins in the Jordan Valley

Bedouins in the Jordan Valley

On Saturday 5 February a delegation of activists from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) went on a tour in the municipality of Tubas, 30 minutes by car to the south east of Nablus…Called the breadbasket of Palestine, Tubas is a municipality about the size of the Gaza strip and includes several smaller villages and the northern parts of the Jordan Valley. The area is heavily dependent on agriculture, which has become increasingly difficult as somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of the municipality is under Area C and thus controlled by the Israeli Occupational Forces.

US Palestinians organize as government renews threats to indict solidarity activists

Submitted by maureen on Mon, 02/06/2012 – 16:28
Stop Thought Police, on FlickrFBI repression of activists has been protested around the US.(Jacob Flom / Flickr)

The US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) is asking supporters to sign a pledge to defend civil and human rights as it was revealed last week that the lead government prosecutor of the Holy Land Five has been assigned to the ongoing secret investigation against anti-war and international solidarity activists across the US.  READ THE ENTIRE STORY HERE.


Israel: End Restrictions on Palestinian Residency

Military Control Over Population Registry Splits Families

February 5, 2012
  • Manal Alsaafin holds a photograph of her and her husband, Abdullah, whom Israeli authorities have prevented from returning to his home in the West Bank since 2009 on the basis that they have “registered” him as a resident of the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank. © 2012 Bill Van Esveld/Human Rights Watch

(Jerusalem) – Israeli policies on Palestinian residency have arbitrarily denied thousands of Palestinians the ability to live in, and travel to and from, the West Bank and Gaza, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Israel should immediately stop denying or cancelling the residency of Palestinians and close family members with deep ties to the West Bank and Gaza, and end blanket bans on processing their applications for residency. The 90-page report, “Forget about Him, He’s Not Here,” describes the arbitrary exclusion by the Israeli military of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians since 1967 and documents the impact that exclusion continues to have on individuals and families.

User submitted content

Canada Boat to Gaza

Farmers of Gaza
Video of the struggle of farmers in Gaza who seek to be able to export their produce. The Israeli blockade prevents them from trading freely with buyers outside Gaza.
- 66 days ago, 23 Nov 12, 8:31am -
Fishers of Gaza
This video describes the struggle of fishers of Gaza who describe in their own words the difficulties of maintaining their livelihood due to the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
- 82 days ago, 8 Nov 12, 4:35am -
Jim Manly full press conference at Vancouver airport-25 October 2012
25 October 2012. Full press conference by Jim Manly at the Vancouver airport on his way home to Nanaimo. Jim was one of 30 crew members of the Ship to Gaza Estelle who were hijacked by the Israeli navy in international waters while attempting to reac…
- 94 days ago, 26 Oct 12, 11:39pm -
Former Island MP Jim Manly Detained in Israel Returns Home-CTV News
25 October 2012. Jim Manly arrives home in Nanaimo after he was detained by the Israeli army for 4 days. He was one of 30 crew members of the Ship to Gaza Estelle who were hijacked by the Israeli navy in international waters while attempting to reach…
- 94 days ago, 26 Oct 12, 5:18pm -
Chomsky on Estelle V2
[This version of the interview with Chomsky has subtitles]I'm here in Gaza, I've been here for several days. I was here hoping to greet the latest boat from the Flotilla, the Estelle. We were waiting at the Gaza port. The boat, like earlier ones, wa…
- 96 days ago, 24 Oct 12, 6:54am -
Chomsky in Gaza, on Estelle
[You can view this same video with subtitles here:]I'm here in Gaza, I've been here for several days. I was here hoping to greet the latest boat from the Flotilla, the Estelle. We were waiting at the Gaza…
- 97 days ago, 23 Oct 12, 5:49pm -