Archive for January, 2012

Florida Preview: Mitt Walks Away With It

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Florida, Newt, Romney

According to FiveThirtyEight, looks like Mitt is certain to win in Florida tonight… The support for Gingrich had the floor drop out of it for two reasons. First, Romney has been outspending like crazy has gone gone incredibly negative. Second, Romney was better at the last debate. Had their been an additional debate scheduled, Newt [...]

January 31st, 2012 | Permalink| 3 Comments »

Mitt Romney, And The Wealth Of A Statesman (Infographic)

By Greg Voakes | Related entries in Ethics, In The News, Romney, Taxes

As the primaries drag on, and the candidates make their cases for Nationwide hot button issues that effect their voter sway, a lot of us focus on the financial crisis that stares down on America. Mitt Romney, for example, has a tax plan that so clearly favors the rich, and from that stems the curiousity [...]

January 30th, 2012 | Permalink| 1 Comment »

George Will: Unfortunate SOTU metaphors and the “unfettered executive”

By mw | Related entries in Constitution, Divided Government, Newt, Obama, Ron Paul, State Of The Union

George Will’s latest column is a pitch perfect observation on how President Obama’s State of the Union address betrays a longing for an “unfettered executive” branch by his administration and among his supporters. Will’s column is not without false notes. He implies by omission that the desire for an unfettered executive branch is unique to the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Not so.

January 30th, 2012 | Permalink| 10 Comments »

Are Republicans Terrified Of Newt’s Rise? Sabato Says Yes.

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Newt, Video

Check out his latest video blog post. Some pretty compelling prognostication… Long story short…the Newt map is bad…very bad… Yes, we’re still a long ways out…but people know Newt. And they’re not exactly fond of him. Well, let me rephrase. Moderate Dems and Independents know Newt…and they’re not exactly fond of him. What do you [...]

January 25th, 2012 | Permalink| 6 Comments »

Watch Obama’s State Of The Union Address

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Barack, Democrats, Obama, Video

Just over an hour… Let me know what you think in the comments below! More as it develops… Tweet

January 25th, 2012 | Permalink| 13 Comments »

Gallup: Romney Leads Newt By 1 In National Preference

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Newt, Polls, Republicans, Romney

Well, you could see this one coming from a mile away… From Gallup… The most shocking stat? Romney’s 23 point lead has evaporated…in a week! Romney held a 23-point lead over Gingrich as recently as Jan. 11-15. Thus, in a matter of one week, Republicans who are registered to vote have shifted their support substantially [...]

January 24th, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

Public Policy Polling: Gingrich Up 5 In Florida

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Florida, Polls, Republicans

Looks like Newt is leading in most early polls before the debate and PPP had Newt up by 6 a day before the South Carolina primary, where he won by more than twice that. The numbers… Gingrich has gained 12 points since a PPP poll conducted in Florida a week ago. Romney has dropped 8 [...]

January 23rd, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

Another Poll Shows Gingrich Ahead By 8 In Florida

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Florida, Polls, Republicans

InsiderAdvantage shows very similar numbers to the Rasmussen poll we posted earlier, although Ron Paul pulls a lot more support in this one. Gingrich – 34% Romney – 26% Paul – 13% Santorum: 11% Other – 2% Undecided – 14% Could the tide be turning in Newt’s favor? It certainly seems so. In fact, look [...]

January 23rd, 2012 | Permalink| 2 Comments »

Florida Shock Poll: Gingrich 41%, Romney 32%

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Florida, Newt, Polls, Republicans, Romney

Rasmussen has the numbers… Less than two weeks ago, Mitt Romney had a 22-point lead in Florida, but that’s ancient history in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Following his big win in South Carolina on Saturday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich now is on top in Florida by nine. The latest Rasmussen Reports [...]

January 23rd, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »

Poll: Gingrich Leads Romney In South Carolina

By Justin Gardner | Related entries in Newt, Polls, Republicans, Romney, South Carolina

Pubilc Policy Polling, which has done some great work over the years, has Gingrich up in their first day of polling: Newt Gingrich led Mitt Romney 34-28 in PPP’s South Carolina polling last night, the first of what will be three nights of tracking. Ron Paul at 15%, Rick Santorum at 14%, Rick Perry at [...]

January 20th, 2012 | Permalink| No Comments »